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My hair is beginning to thin at the frontal hairline and just behind the frontal hairline, between the hairline and the crown. I already use Nizoral, and I plan to get on Propecia soon. Should I simply get Propeica/Proscar and keep up the Nizoral? Or should I also add Rogaine as well?

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My hair is beginning to thin at the frontal hairline and just behind the frontal hairline, between the hairline and the crown. I already use Nizoral, and I plan to get on Propecia soon. Should I simply get Propeica/Proscar and keep up the Nizoral? Or should I also add Rogaine as well?

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  • Senior Member

If you are just now thinning in the hairline then you may want to try Proscar and Rogaine. Personally I think Nizoral does nothing for hairloss as it's mainly a dandruff solution. Rogaine is not a great product but it does work better in the hairline than Proscar. The downside is that you can have an inflamatory response which means it can cause your scalp to get itchy, red, flaky and oily. It will also make your hair greasy. You may want to try Rogaine foam as this is supposed to help alleviate these sides but I have not tried it personally so I can say one way or the other.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Guest Cousin_It



I would agree with Jotronic, get on some meds as soon as possible. I would also concur with Jo that Nizoral is pretty much worthless for regrowing hair.


I would suggest getting a prescription for Propecia/Proscar from your doctor. If you have a problem with this there are many online pharmacies, non US, that will sell you these drugs at very reasonable prices without a prescription.


As far as Rogaine, I would suggest the Foam. It is far less irritating to most and is more effective, according to Rogaine 85% of users grew hair.


One note, both of these can cause an initial shedding of your native hair, but the degree is dependent on the miniaturization of your existing follicles. This can be a good sign that they are working so continue using them through this period, you will ultimately be rewarded with thicker hair once growth begins.


Another point of information, these drugs must be continued for life. If you stop using them in the future all gains will be lost within a few months plus any hair loss than would have normally occured during that period.


If you have any additional questions just ask. Good Luck!

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  • Regular Member


Jotronic & Cousin_It give you good advice. When I used Rogaine in the mid to late 90's, it did make my scalp red and itchy -- and greasy for sure. I also can't say I ever noticed any real regrowth (you may want to take before/after pictures under the same light conditions to compare because it is hard to be objective over many months otherwise). Finally, Rogaine was too thin a liquid and would tend to drip down the sides of my head. I completely stopped using it around the time I started on Finesteride because it didn't seem to work for me, made my head red and itchy which in turn made it more red/irritated when I scratched it, was a pain in the butt to apply twice a day, and wasn't exactly cheap. Today, the foam might help with a couple of these issues -- not sure since I never tried it. But the point is if you don't continue Rogaine for life, any money you spent on it will basically go down the drain when any hair it "may" have helped regrow/maintain falls out within a few months of stopping use. Finesteride, on the other hand, really helped regrow hair in my mid-scalp/crown/vertex areas and maintain my existing hair. It's also a lot less of a pain to use over a long period of time. Just some thoughts to consider. Be well.


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Everyone has given some great advice...so I won't post the same things they did. Just one word of caution...you just started to lose your hair, and I know it may be tempting to start considering an HT at this early stage, but don't. Try the medication first and see if it helps. You don't want to jump into any surgeries at such an early stage...so keep that in mind.



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