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So who watched Dennis Miller on the NBC Gameshow Amnesia?


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I think it's pretty common knowlege that Dennis Miller has had transplants from Bosley. I was watching him tonight in High Def on the new NBC games show called Amnesia and I must say if I didn't know he had and HT I would never have guessed and it looked perfect. I wonder if it looks as excellent in real life as it did on TV.


It's unfortunate that all Bosley patients don't get the celebrity treatment. If they did Bosly wouldn't have such a bad reputation. That's what is so great about the top Coalition Docs here. From the result they consistently produce it's clear that every one of their patients gets the celebrity treatment.

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No doubt Bosley himself is a gifted surgeon ( and shrewd business man) but from we have seen most of the docs working in his clinics around the country are just business men..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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didn't catch it.

but your right---D.M got a h.t from Doc Bosley himself...

I think it looks pretty damn good.

But I bet Dr. Hasson coulda' done better...


Nevertheless, gotta love D.M as he speaks out on Oreilly Factor...

The hollywood celeb types don't know whose "da whose who" in the ht world. They just go by price and proximity (proximity being B.H)...

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didn't watch the whole thing


DM is a cool cat in my mind; no doubt.

I think his hair looks pretty damn good in that video, no?


Bosley, though?


goes to show ya', bet he could of had an even better ht with Feller or H&W...


He's always sporting that beard and that smart ass smile.

lose the beard.

keep the smart-ass smile...

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I've always been a big fan of Dennis Miller all the way back to his early SNL days. Dr. B may have done the work and if so it does look good from the limited views we get but I've seen enough of his work in person to say that Dennis got away lucky.




I agree that it does look good but just remember that Nicholas Cage's work can look good too but it's because make up artists cover the work with Dermatch or Couvre. After watching the video provided earlier in this thread I think Dennis has a bit of that going on too. Regardless, I think he looks great.


The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Re Courve: Hmmm..good point.

I would HATE to be chained to that stuff.


that's a good shot of him.

On the video linked above it was so small and distant.

I bet he could grow that baby out a lil and spike it up if he wanted to.

Anybody have any balding shots of him from his pre-ht days?


It's astonishing that someone of DM's caliber (money & power) still thinks Bosley is world-class.


I bet most of the docs in Beverly Hills are charging WAY more than H&W, Feller, Shapiro; yet have WEAK results...

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Yes, I also had heard that Dennis has "had some work done". For me it's always been hard to believe because he always has had a thick full head of hair even back to the Saturday Night Live years and when he had his own talk show. He wore a mullet style back then but that was appropriate for that era. I can't ever recall him having any degree of balding and if so it must not have been very significant.


That classic segment on SNL when Dana Carvey did his dead on impression of him while they were side by side was and still is absolutely hillarious!



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from my understanding DM openly admits to having had a ht.

I wonder why Jotronic so strongly suspects he's wearing a concealer?

are his results just too thick?

he has a fairly mature ("wise") hair line.

I mean I would take it in a heart beat,

but it's def. not an Alvi Armani one.

Other H&W patients appear to have this dense of a mop.



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