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need some advice

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hi im 20 yrs old, and my hair line is receeding alot, and its alot thinner than before. i hav kinda long hairs but now they all cant be straighten with comb etc because of receeding in hair line. well i just wanted to know how much ht will cost? cuz its not really much receeding but for me its really alot.


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hi im 20 yrs old, and my hair line is receeding alot, and its alot thinner than before. i hav kinda long hairs but now they all cant be straighten with comb etc because of receeding in hair line. well i just wanted to know how much ht will cost? cuz its not really much receeding but for me its really alot.


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  • Senior Member



If you could post some pictures of your hairline you could get unofficial, but educated, guesses on just how many grafts you will likely need to fill in the area.


After you get a rough guestimate from the folks here, I would suggest a consultation with a qualified HT doctor. Since your so young it may not be in your best interest to even have a transplant at this time due to where your hair loss is suspected to progress in the future when your say 30-40.


This could depend on a whole host of factors including your family balding history, how much donor hair you have, your hairs quality, color, thickness etc..


I know you are probably seeing the start of your hair thinning and just want to fill it in and make it normal again but be careful at your age with hair transplant procedures. You don't want to start a process that can't be completed.


By this I mean if you fill in the receding area and in the future you continue thinning behind, you will need to have more procedures to "keep up". You may not have enough donor supply or finances to do this and be worse off than when you started.


Not trying to scare or discourage you but there are a lot of things that need to be considered even with older gents. You could start the ball rolling by posting a couple of pics here for us to give you a starting point of how to proceed in your particular case.

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Guest Baldie3000

It seems that getting a hair transplant at such a young age is frowned upon, at least, that is the general impression I get.


I do wish I was able to do something about it earlier though. I started losing hair when I was about 25 and now look at me! I have no more hairline and most of the hair in the middle of my head is gone.



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Guessing would really be impossible without seeing any photos, that's for sure. The cost would be determined by how many grafts you would need and which doctor you chose. The graft count estimation could vary significantly between surgeons.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by iamme:

thanks rambler, ill post the pics soon, but my hair isnt that bad but still i wana increase my hair line. cud u just make a wild guess how much it ll lost for normal cases?


I'll guess between $7k and $14k.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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im a class 2 as well, a rough estimate would be 800-1,200 grafts. cost is hard to determine as each surgeon has different pricing scales. At my consultation i was recommended for about 1,000-1,200 grafts at around 5-6k for the procedure. If your serious about it, do some research, find a good surgeon and set-up a consultation. The doctor will assess your situation and inform you of what can or can't be achieved.


you wont find a GOOD surgeon who will do it for 1-2k. This isn't something you want to be cheap about. Go to where the expertise is not the bargain.

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