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shaving head have negative affects?

The Von

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  • Regular Member

I was thinking about shaving my head just to see how it looks. Would this have a negative affect on my hairloss. I am worried that the miniturized or weaker hairs that I have might not grow back. Anyone have any imput?

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  • Regular Member

I was thinking about shaving my head just to see how it looks. Would this have a negative affect on my hairloss. I am worried that the miniturized or weaker hairs that I have might not grow back. Anyone have any imput?

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  • Regular Member

Hi The von.


I don't think shaving your head has any impact on your miniature, or any other kind of hair, as you are merely cutting the hair "outside" or external to the skin. at least that is my opinion.





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Shave away. No proven effect at all on hairloss.

What it will show you -- at least in my case -- is where your hair is thinning. I'll be honest with you, I had no clue my crown and top were thinning until I shaved it short. Then I could really tell.

I was really glad I shaved it too, because I'd had never tried it. At that point, it was better than wearing it long with the crap deep temporal recessions I was dealing with. But I found out that a shaved head just wasn't a good answer for me.

If it is a look that works for you, then you might have saved the cost and trouble of an HT. It is worth trying.

IMO darker skin/complexion and you can grow decent facial hair, then shaving the head is probably a preferred solution over HT. To each their own.



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