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Very confused..need answers


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hi all im 20/m have always had very fine light blonde hair, dont have a bad family history of early hair loss, i broke my leg back in sep 06

(almost a year ago) and immediatley began thinning drastically, everyone including the doc thought it was stress, it is now been a year and im thinner than ever, still shedding, and have a receding hairline!! ive been using nioxin system 1 and im to scared to go on propecia! somebody help please!!


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  • Regular Member

hi all im 20/m have always had very fine light blonde hair, dont have a bad family history of early hair loss, i broke my leg back in sep 06

(almost a year ago) and immediatley began thinning drastically, everyone including the doc thought it was stress, it is now been a year and im thinner than ever, still shedding, and have a receding hairline!! ive been using nioxin system 1 and im to scared to go on propecia! somebody help please!!


propecia .5mg 7x

revita shampoo 5x

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  • Senior Member

Hey jw34,


I would recommend speaking with a dermatologist as well as your primary care physician. If you are truly showing signs of Male Pattern Baldness, then you should have your scalp checked for miniaturization. This should help determine if you are naturally losing your hair or if there is indeed another cause, i.e., stress from a traumatic experience. Make sure you're healthy first (that is the most important thing)- that the hair loss is also not a sign of another illness (probably not, but good to check). Propecia is definitely a commitment, and side effects are possible (although many of us here take it and are fine). First things first: see a dermatologist and confirm that you are experiencing MPB before you even begin to consider taking finasteride. Nobody is going to force you to take it, so don't be scared. Hang in there. icon_wink.gif



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Regular Member

thanks for the quick reply,

i saw my derm about a month ago and he thought it was telogum effium, he put me on clobetasol propionate, some hair steriod, which i was on for 2 weeks and did not work! i cant stop stressin about it so im going to get a free consultation with hair club soon

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  • Senior Member

Well, I'm certainly in no position to assess the cause of your hair loss and perhaps your dermatologist is right. I not familiar with the treatment you were prescribed, but how do you know it was ineffective? I mean, you shouldn't have expected to see significant hair regrowth in two weeks. Do you mean you are still losing large amounts of hair? Or did he confirm that it wasn't working? If this is seriously concerning you, perhaps you should get a second opinion?



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Regular Member

i guess what im trying to get at it trying to confirm or not if its MPB, do u think that hairclub, or bosley will be able to diagnose me? or do you think its a scam? i just want my hair loss diagnosed! how would you recommend going about that, i dont see my derm until the end of august,

again thanks for any help or advice

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  • Senior Member

I suspect that a doctor working for Hair Club or Bosley might be able to confirm if you are suffering from MPB if they perform a thorough scalp examination, but for those patients who only meet with salespeople first, which seems to be the approach, I don't see how they could make a fair assessment of that. You could always try meeting with another dermatologist or try to schedule a sooner appointment, no? Maybe check back with your primary care guy too to rule out any other illness as the culprit?



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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  • Senior Member

I don't have much to add, other than try to be patient, know that you are taking action and have come to a good place and will be going in a solid direction. Sucks to wait, for sure, but the end of August isn't that horrible, and the most important thing is that you have begun informing yourself and are taking action!


It sounds like you have caught MPB pretty early, if you even have it! If ya want to just start *something* to tide you over till you may be moving onto the big guns, maybe look into taking some "biotin".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Welcome to our community.


It could be MPB. Seeing a dermatologist or a qualified and ethical hair transplant doctor might be a good choice for you to determine the problem.


PLEASE NOTE: I am not advocating a hair transplant for you at this point in time.


Unfortunately, family history of hair loss, though can be an indicator, is not absolute. Just because others have not experienced early hair loss - doesn't mean you definitely will not.


If it's determined to be MPB...


Finasteride is worth researching/considering - however, you can always try minoxodil. You can also consider using Nizoral 2% shampoo 2 or 3 times a week or Revita shampoo daily and this might help you.


Other than that, all you can really do is see a doctor and wait to see what happens.


I hope this helps,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks so much for the replies guys,

i just got back from my "free consultation" at hair club and thought it was a joke, i felt i was being haggeled to buy a used car or something, what do you guys know about PROVILLUS, i know its not propecia but it claims to have monox in it and it has full money back guarantee? thoughts??

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Hello jw34,


It would be a help if you could post a few good pics of the front hairline, top view & back of scalp, we can take an un educated guess.

Some times it is pretty obvious that it is MPB somtimes it is not.

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  • Regular Member

i will do that, but i can tell you that the hairs on my scapl on extremely thinner than the hairs on my sides and back

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Provillus is simply overpriced minoxodil...with a few unnecessary supplements thrown in that will not help you recover your hair.


Stick to the big three...or any combination of the




Nizoral or Revita


Unfortunately, it is ever so common to come out of a consultation feeling like you have just been hustled/haggled. It almost makes you feel dirty.


Anyway...any surgeon willing to operate on a 20 year old who JUST started losing his hair should lose his license. This is highly unethical and not in the patients best interest IMO.



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Bill, When you think about it, starting a 20 year old on these drugs is really not a good idea.

Are they llke vitamins that he will pop everyday for all the years ahead of him?


Can you say that these drugs are absolutely safe in the long long term?



Is it good to start changing your physiology by reducing your testoterone at such a young age?


Or risking heart palpitations, angina or erythmia with minoxidil?


I think it is evident on this site that young people are easily swayed by the advice that they are given.


We should proceed with caution when making recommendations to 20 year olds.


There is not yet a miracle cure that can help them yet.

The benefits from all the drugs you mentioned are marginal & they are to young for a hairtransplant.


The best advice for them is to stick it out as most of us did.


When you are young you have so manty atributes other than your hair.

At my age I need all the help I can get! icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member



I think the main point here is to present options to people with questions.. The options are limited unfortunately to




Nizoral or Revita

Hair transplantation


All of these treatments ( with the exception of the shampoos) have potential risks involved just as any foreign item you put (or do to) in your body including alcohol, smoking, or minor surgery.


It is therefore necessary for the patient to seek the information in order to make a decesion which is right for them..


Do the research and make a choice for yourself.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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