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Alopecia after Surgical Intervention

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  • Senior Member

It occurs to me that the issues of direct post-operative outcomes are dealt with on the forum, but the advancement of alopecia even after surgical intervention is not dealt with as much.

(If I did not find a the thread that deals with such issues, please refer me.)


After the hair transplant surgery, and there has been renewed growth in the scalp, the native hair does continue to miniaturize even with medication and at a retarded rate.


My question is:


1. What does a well done hair transplant, done by the best surgeon look like if no continued surgical intervention is done to maintain the illusion of density ?


2. If the patient does decide, not to pursue further surgical interventions, does the hair transplant stand the test of time? Does the scalp look patchy after the native hair has miniaturized to point of pre-vellus diameter?


3.Can the transplanted hair age naturally along side the native hair,to give a blended overall natural thinning look and not a patchy appearance?


4. Generally how is placement of the transplanted hair done in relation the native hair within the atrophic zone?


5. Does the patient grow wary of having to do follow-up surgeries to always maintain the illusion of density?


6. At what point may the patient accept that the time has come to "call it quits" and stop chasing the illusion of density?


7. Does this come when chronic physiological diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis begin to occur, or perhaps other life threatening diseases?


Perhaps this might be a totally personal decision on the part of the patient as to "how young they feel" and how young they want to look?



take care...



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