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Can anyone using Nizoral 1 or 2% Shampoo answer some of my questions?


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Hi everyone, what are the effects and side effects to using Nizoral shampoo? I'm very eager to adding Nizoral shampoo to my regimen because what I'm taking right now isn't cutting it for me anymore and I have no idea why. If anyone could help me answer all of my questions, I'll be very grateful. I've read on this forum that Nizoral was "proven" to increase hair count.. is this true? Does it contain minoxidil in it?


My main question is if Nizoral has any side effects. I realize that there are two types of Nizoral, 1% and 2%. Will there be any effects to Nizoral if I stop using it? (I'm relating this to the hair loss when I stopped on Rogaine for a few weeks).


If so, will it be safer if I just used the over the counter 1% for now?


thank you, any help appreciated

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

Hi everyone, what are the effects and side effects to using Nizoral shampoo? I'm very eager to adding Nizoral shampoo to my regimen because what I'm taking right now isn't cutting it for me anymore and I have no idea why. If anyone could help me answer all of my questions, I'll be very grateful. I've read on this forum that Nizoral was "proven" to increase hair count.. is this true? Does it contain minoxidil in it?


My main question is if Nizoral has any side effects. I realize that there are two types of Nizoral, 1% and 2%. Will there be any effects to Nizoral if I stop using it? (I'm relating this to the hair loss when I stopped on Rogaine for a few weeks).


If so, will it be safer if I just used the over the counter 1% for now?


thank you, any help appreciated

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

wow, 41 views and not one reply? I know some of you must use Nizoral being how its so popular, please tell me a bit about it. Is it safe to stop using Nizoral Shampoo once you start it? Does the 1% actually say 1 percent cause the only one I could find is the anti dandruff shampoo, no mention of 1%. Is this the same thing?

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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Hi Anonymous and welcome to the boards...


I use Nizoral 2% shampoo with no side effects. I am not familiar with any side effects of this shampoo short of possible itchiness and it has the potential to dry your scalp a bit, so I always use it in combination with a good conditioner. In fact, I personally like to use Nizoral every other day, Nioxin shampoo every other day, and Nioxin Conditioner every day. I love that stuff.


Unless I am wrong, Nizoral isn't anything like Minoxodil or Propecia in the sense that you can start it and stop it anytime you want.


But if I am wrong, someone dispute me.



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  • Senior Member

thanks for the info Bill, I've actually started on Nizoral non prescription 1% anti dandruff shampoo. I'm into my second week and really don't feel any difference.. except for the obvious no more dandruff..Does it help stimulate your follicles? I'm actually thinking of switching back to baby shampoo because its cheaper. Could you tell me what nizoral is supposed to help with Bill?


Any help appreciated

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member


I am pretty sure Nizoral is used to help clean your scalp so you can get the full effect out of Propecia and/or Minoxidil. My Dr. prescribed Propecia for me and said he'll go ahead and give me some Nizoral to use every other day (on the days I use Propecia) so it can clean and clear my scalp better and that way Propecia would work better.

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