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My problem with getting a HT (no one knows)

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Ok so I am very young (19) and I have worn a hair system for about a year now. With the combination of my young age and how I present myself. In addition to the fact that I was able to hide my hair loss by using long hairs from the back part of my head and combing forward you would never know I had hair loss. The system was on before anyone knew any different and it was about the same length as my old hair and so I think I was very successful in fooling people at least in that regard. Or I could be blindingly mistaken, in any case, I have taken A LOT of measures and gone to some extremities to hide my baldness from the world and I believe I have been successful thus far. Only problem is if I get a HT, won't everyone know? Because I'll have to take off the system and then everyone will see my bald area and I'll go from looking like I have all this hair to suddenly having this huge bald area on the top of my head and stuff and I have to go to college and see people everyday. WHAT can I do? Is there anyway I could like, get the transplant done at like a holiday or off period I could take (thanksgiving break, spring break, summer break) and basically stay off the radar completley for like 2 weeks so I can get and have post time for my transplant, then after 2 weeks or so simpley put the hair system back on and wait it out with the system until the transplant hair grows? Checking every 3 weeks or so when I go in to Hair Club for their, "serives" or whatever they are calling it to take my money.


If I could do this, get the transplant and then use the system to keep things a secret, then a year after the surgery (or whenever I feel comfortable that the transplant looks good, could be earlier) I could quit with the damn hair system and no one would be the wiser except myself. I would cut my hair a lot shorter since I know the density wouldn't be the same, this way it would just look as if I got a haircut when in reality in secret I had gotten a hair transplant and ceased wearing a hair system. Because I tell you, friends, I cannot stand this thing much longer, it is a NIGHTMARE, worse than the one on Elm Street, its jsut BAD. Yet it is better than being bald so thats all I've got for now. Wow I ramble don't I? Ok I'm done, I would appreciate responses, thanks so much al!

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  • Regular Member

Ok so I am very young (19) and I have worn a hair system for about a year now. With the combination of my young age and how I present myself. In addition to the fact that I was able to hide my hair loss by using long hairs from the back part of my head and combing forward you would never know I had hair loss. The system was on before anyone knew any different and it was about the same length as my old hair and so I think I was very successful in fooling people at least in that regard. Or I could be blindingly mistaken, in any case, I have taken A LOT of measures and gone to some extremities to hide my baldness from the world and I believe I have been successful thus far. Only problem is if I get a HT, won't everyone know? Because I'll have to take off the system and then everyone will see my bald area and I'll go from looking like I have all this hair to suddenly having this huge bald area on the top of my head and stuff and I have to go to college and see people everyday. WHAT can I do? Is there anyway I could like, get the transplant done at like a holiday or off period I could take (thanksgiving break, spring break, summer break) and basically stay off the radar completley for like 2 weeks so I can get and have post time for my transplant, then after 2 weeks or so simpley put the hair system back on and wait it out with the system until the transplant hair grows? Checking every 3 weeks or so when I go in to Hair Club for their, "serives" or whatever they are calling it to take my money.


If I could do this, get the transplant and then use the system to keep things a secret, then a year after the surgery (or whenever I feel comfortable that the transplant looks good, could be earlier) I could quit with the damn hair system and no one would be the wiser except myself. I would cut my hair a lot shorter since I know the density wouldn't be the same, this way it would just look as if I got a haircut when in reality in secret I had gotten a hair transplant and ceased wearing a hair system. Because I tell you, friends, I cannot stand this thing much longer, it is a NIGHTMARE, worse than the one on Elm Street, its jsut BAD. Yet it is better than being bald so thats all I've got for now. Wow I ramble don't I? Ok I'm done, I would appreciate responses, thanks so much al!

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No one can tell the work of a good HT! but you are only 19 and the MPB WILL progress. I think you need to do more research on this forum and consult some HT docs that are recommended here. At the very least get on Propecia and Minoxidil. You won't want to use a hair system after a HT anyway, the HT needs to heal and then it takes 3-4 months before they grow in. After a year it should be further grown and looking pretty good. I shaved my head 10 days post op to match the HT and existing hair, it isn't so bad!

Shiny Side Up!!

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Wow I think your shaved head looks better, I woud have suggested to do you doing that some time ago. So the scar is really the noticable thing I guess, the place of the transplant just kinda looks red and stuff, *shrugs*. Thanks a lot for your responses tho!

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i guess i can "feel you" on the name choice. i feel the same way. i project alot based on my frustrations and im sure if I wasnt losing my hair that wouldnt be a problem....sucks, i need counseling i guess!



but back to your story, there are other guys on this forum who have had a HT and also wear a wig until the HT grows in. As long as your scalp is getting air you should be fine. I am curious what you look like without the wig, if you post a pic we can help you determine how much you may need, but keep in mind a LOT of doctors refuse to work on you until you are a little older and they can determine your MPB loss pattern.


if you have severe hair loss like me, then obviously it will take more grafts. I have had 2800 put in so far i think another 2000 may do the trick, im 2 months post op, after 2200 in my second ht. im 31, but when i first started looking into HTs I was 25 and noone wanted to take me as a patient. not even Bosley Medical (if anyone can believe that)


good luck



630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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No one can tell the work of a good HT!


I think the totally undetectable hair transplant is VERY rare. I'd say probably 5% of transplants could be called undetectable, and they are usually on a guy who still has a lot of hair left.


If one of your main concerns is "nobody can know" then DO NOT get a hair transplant. NOBODY can guarantee that, and if you don't believe me ask any doctor if he will guarantee it in writing. See what they say.


If you are just 19 you are too young to get a hair transplant:


You think a transplant can erase any signs of hair loss. They can't! That's not what transplants do. You need to get a handle on what transplants can do, they have definite limitations. If they actually were a type of cure for hair loss, then everybody would have them, and nobody would be bald.


Goal number one is to stop the hair loss from getting worse. Go see a dermatologist and get on a prescription for Propecia, and give that a year to judge the results.


Getting a transplant now would be jumping the gun. Getting a hairpiece was probably jumping the gun at your age, too. Some guys are so freaked out by any signs of hair loss that they panic and lose their common sense. Do not panic!!!! You're going to live.


Correct long term planning is crucial to success when getting a transplant. You only have a limited amount of donor hair so you have to use it wisely. One of the big problems with young guys getting a transplant, is that young guys are at a high risk of losing a LOT of hair. But the young guys are trying to restore their hair to "no hair loss" appearance, which is unrealistic. They "stake out a line in the sand" that they can't defend, by putting grafts into a low hairline. Remember what I said about long term planning being crucial? Well these guys have started out from the beginning, with bad planning. They have planned their hair transplant as if they will only need a little "touch up" when they actually have full blown hair loss. This can be a HUGE problem.

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Yes, I would definitely say that 19 is very young to get a hair transplant. At the same time, it certainly sucks to start losing your hair so young. I started losing my hair at age 18, got an ht at 21, and also had a hair piece for about 3 months (hated it and had to get rid of it). I've been there. Have you tried shaving your head? It is in fashion and some guys can really pull it off.

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