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  • Senior Member

I took some pics today (all with the flash on) to send out for an online consult. Before I took the pictures I didn't think I really had ANY loss in my crown, but in the picture it looks really thinning. Does the flash REALLY exagerate this, because its making me worried. I feel the back of my head all the time and it feels really thick. Its hard for me to check it out myself.

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  • Senior Member

I took some pics today (all with the flash on) to send out for an online consult. Before I took the pictures I didn't think I really had ANY loss in my crown, but in the picture it looks really thinning. Does the flash REALLY exagerate this, because its making me worried. I feel the back of my head all the time and it feels really thick. Its hard for me to check it out myself.

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  • Senior Member

Some people have a more prominent whirl pattern in which the center appears like a tiny bald spot. Sometimes the orientation of the hairs there produces this little scalp spot, but it's certainly not unlikely that if you are receding that the crown might simultaneously be thinning too. It could be normal though. You don't want to post the pic here?


"Its hard for me to check it out myself".


What you should do is take a small vanity mirror and look into it with your back turned to a full sized mirror to see the back and top of your head.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

youngsuccess: thanks. your the ONLY person who responded. Maybe I will post a picture later. I have tried checking it out with a vanity mirror, but the lighting in my bathroom is VERY bright (almost flroescent). So, I guess Im hoping that is making it appear more thin. I sent Jotronic some pics for a consult. But I dont know how they can give you a resonable assesment and recomendation without seeing you in person. They say it works out for 75% of their patients, so maybe Im wrong.


the whirl pattern, tiny bald spot thing: yeah thats EXACTLY how mine looks. But, in the pictures with the flash it makes it appear REALLY thin all over the crown. Does the flash tend to over exaggerate this? Thanks.

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  • Senior Member

People generally say to take pictures in good light without the flash. Digital cameras today especially seem to produce a very strong artificial light from the flash. I think that the flash can actually make areas of hair appear more dense; however, it might have the opposite effect if there is scalp showing (to exaggerate it). You are right that the only way your hair loss can really be assessed accurately is by meeting with a doctor who can perform a miniaturization study on your scalp.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

thanks guys.

YS: how do docs perform a miniturization study? Im assuming the simply look at your hair under manification as they are trained to see which haris are miniturized.Have you had this done? H&W are a very reputable clinic, so do they do the miniturization study on all candidates prior to surgery?

Bill, thanks but the link did not work.

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  • Regular Member

Isn't it funny how a camera adds 10 pounds, but does the exact opposite to hair? icon_smile.gif


2-day session with Dr. Keene.

1's: 297; 2's: 1186; 3's: 1382; 4's: 999

Total grafts : 3864

Averaging 2.85 hairs/graft. Total hairs: ~11000.




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