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guy that had issue with hair restoration covering tattoo. this time with photos

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Hey guys. I don't know if any of you remember but I posted a discussion o few months back about cover a tattoo with hair restoration. To refresh, I got permanent makeup done around my hairline to fill it in some. Well unfortunatly

the lady didn't know quite what i wanted and so came out not so good. I basically have a tattooed line across my hairline and the sides of my head. okay, so about a year after tying to cover this up by wearing my hair a little longer I decided to try and fix this with hair restoration, since initially I did want to make my hairline look fuller. This isn't so much a issue of hairloss as it is more for vanity. my hairline has always been the same, latley it has bothered me more, espesially since there's options out now to fix it. I've attached some photos to give you all a better idea. I talked to Dr. Epstien and he said he could fix this with 1400 graphs. My question is will 1400 fill my hairline and maybe some on the sides pretty good? My goal is to have a full even hairline to come to about where the tattoo is Also, im in the process of getting the tattoo removed. Also how much interaction do you have as to the outcome of what you want? I dont want the same thing to happen again with hair restoration.


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  • Regular Member

Hey guys. I don't know if any of you remember but I posted a discussion o few months back about cover a tattoo with hair restoration. To refresh, I got permanent makeup done around my hairline to fill it in some. Well unfortunatly

the lady didn't know quite what i wanted and so came out not so good. I basically have a tattooed line across my hairline and the sides of my head. okay, so about a year after tying to cover this up by wearing my hair a little longer I decided to try and fix this with hair restoration, since initially I did want to make my hairline look fuller. This isn't so much a issue of hairloss as it is more for vanity. my hairline has always been the same, latley it has bothered me more, espesially since there's options out now to fix it. I've attached some photos to give you all a better idea. I talked to Dr. Epstien and he said he could fix this with 1400 graphs. My question is will 1400 fill my hairline and maybe some on the sides pretty good? My goal is to have a full even hairline to come to about where the tattoo is Also, im in the process of getting the tattoo removed. Also how much interaction do you have as to the outcome of what you want? I dont want the same thing to happen again with hair restoration.

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Hey Andy,


I remember your case. Did you see Dr. Epstein in person or speak with him through an online consultation? What are your expectations regarding the tattoo removal, cosmetically I mean? Is there scarring associated with that? I guess that the hair transplant could disguise scarring in the recipient area better than that dark ink there though.


As far as patient input goes, good doctors usually aim for compromise: he/she will consider your point of view and try to design the hairline as much to your specifications as possible without going overboard to appease patients with unrealistic expectations, i.e. those potentially in store for severe loss and other problems related to donor supply and individual hair characteristics.


Make sure you articulate what you want clearly so that you know exactly what is going to happen this time around. When you get your hair fixed, you should pay a visit to that tattoo artist and show her exactly why there are people who tattoo, and other people who transplant hair (and most people involved in either suck). Talk about a bad judgment call. Sheesh. Good luck man!



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hey youngsuccess,


Thanks for the reply. Im glad you remembered my situation. No I didn't meet Dr. Epstein in person, but through an online consultation.

The reason I asked about the 1400 graphs was because I was wonderig if that's a good number of hairs or if that's still a pretty limited number, (for hairlines anyway). Im getting my tattoo removed with some kind of fading solution as the Dr, said my skin my be too dark for laser removal. She said the solution may lighten the areas to about the same color as my scalp, which im okay with. Once Im done with this then I will plan to do the restoration as Dr. Epstien advised as well. Thanks for your imput that helps me out alot.

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If I'm seeing the picture correctly, it looks like a very narrow strip just in the temple area on both sides.


Yes, I think 1400 would do the trick.


Epstein is great.


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663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

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Wait, let me get this straight. You tattooed your hairline? icon_confused.gif There was no one around, not even the tattoo artist, who thought maybe that was NOT a good idea and had the balls to speak up? You tattooed your hairline?


Yes, well.....good luck with that.

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I really think Andy made a mistake which he regrets and is trying to come to a resolution. We should be here to help not ridicule him. I am as perplexed as you are about it but what is done is done and he needs a solution.


Hairline tattoo's are not a good idea but I have heard of people tattooing their scars though.


Andy, trust Dr. Epstein. You have a lot of hair so I am sure you have plenty of donor to do the job.


Good luck,





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I remember your case and it's a unique one.


Dr. Epstein is a great doctor and I'm sure if he is confident that he'll be able to help you, that you will be in good hands.


Just be sure you and he both understand your expectations...this is vital to ensure patient satisfaction.


I would think he would probably have to come in front of the existing hairline a bit in order to camoflauge the tattooing and soften the hairline - this may increase the number of grafts needed.


Please keep us posted.



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My only concern would be compounding the problem at hand, although if he does go to an ethical Dr. like Dr. Epstein ,the risk/benefit think will be first and foremost, considering the situation.

Good luck andy, we have all done things we regret .

Post after your consult.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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NoBuzz, as usual, you're right again. My apologies Andy. I guess I was just really shocked and for the life of me I just cannot begin to comprehend the rhyme nor reason. But, regardless, this is not about that; it is about using HT to cover/repair damage.


My wife had a small tattoo removed via laser a couple of years ago. It cost a fortune and was painful but the Dr. did an incredible job; tattoo gone and almost no visible blemish to the skin. My concern were I you would be the damage said laser may cause to surrounding hair follicles. Would it work like laser hair removal?? If it does, you may need more than 1400 grafts? If you do a HT without having the tattoo removed, it may easily appear as a rigidly thick unnatural hairline because of the dark slice of skin under the hairline edge. ?

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Pushing, I am not always right, I screwed up my head with plugs in the early 1980's and so did a lot of other guys, wish we had the internet back then! I was young and dumb, easy prey for the unethical docs back then.


I agree with your take that the ink needs to go first because it would still show thru even a fairly dense pack HT. I hope the native hair is saveable for him around that ink.





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Hey guys. I'm pleased to see that alot of you have posted on this topic. Some a little harsh but that's okay. It WAS a silly mistake. This is why I love coming to this board, it is like a family here, everyone does seem concerned and all your posts are a great help to me, Thankyou. I was always kinda bothered by the unevenness of my hairline, and never thought about HT prior. Well, I had a friend who was a permanent makeup artist, and so I asked her if she could fill in my hairline a bit by drawing in small little hairstrokes to make it look fuller (crazy I know). Well anyway the disater came when I drew an outline around my hairline to where she was not to go over but do work inside the outline. Well instead she tattooed in the outline (because she was too busy talking about her personal life). Ofcourse I was highly upset but more shocked than anything. I guess we all learn from our mistakes. But anyways Im getting the tattoo removed with a highly acidic cream due to the fact that it is too close to my hair, so hopefully this will work. Hopefully when it's all said and done with the help of Dr. Epstein I will get pretty close to what I wanted from the very beginning.

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For the record...


Neither you andy31 nor you customs are stupid.


Often people (and I include myself on this) make irrational and quick decisions when we are in an emotional state. This often happens when we feel down about ourselves and our self-confidence is shaken.


Clearly tatooing wasn't a good option...but it made sense to YOU andy at the time.


Now you have learned something from this and can only move forward. That's why it's VERY important to take your time and research...consider ALL your options.


Customs...this is the same for you...


You made a decision based on your hopes of what COULD be rather than what WOULD be...know what I mean? We all know why you did it...and now you also have learned from your situation. Now you can move forward and take YOUR time to find a quality physician that is a sure thing to fix your problem.


Cheers brothers!



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Just learn from our mistakes & focus on the solutions ..


Hope everything works out for u



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


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