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Question regarding Rogaine

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After being advised to start Rogaine after my H/T, I have a question regarding this. I was unable to use Rogaine until one month after the H/T due to I still had a couple of areas of the scar that wasn't quite healed up. About the third week after the H/T, whenever I used Rogaine, in a couple of areas of the scar, it would bleed. Now it's one month post and I can start using Rogaine again. I know Rogaine might kick start the graphs to grow, but not sure if I should start using Rogaine again now. My graphs are already growing and don't want to do anything to alter that process. I've read on here that with the use of Rogaine, there will be some shedding. Is the shedding due to the Rogaine or the normal shedding of the transplant? As I stated, my graphs are already growing. I don't want to use Rogaine if it causes the already graphs that are growing now to shed. Thanks guys in advance.....

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  • Regular Member

After being advised to start Rogaine after my H/T, I have a question regarding this. I was unable to use Rogaine until one month after the H/T due to I still had a couple of areas of the scar that wasn't quite healed up. About the third week after the H/T, whenever I used Rogaine, in a couple of areas of the scar, it would bleed. Now it's one month post and I can start using Rogaine again. I know Rogaine might kick start the graphs to grow, but not sure if I should start using Rogaine again now. My graphs are already growing and don't want to do anything to alter that process. I've read on here that with the use of Rogaine, there will be some shedding. Is the shedding due to the Rogaine or the normal shedding of the transplant? As I stated, my graphs are already growing. I don't want to use Rogaine if it causes the already graphs that are growing now to shed. Thanks guys in advance.....

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In case I haven't formally welcomed you...welcome to our community.


I can tell you one thing for sure...it's not the best idea in the world to come on and off minoxodil over and over again. The benefits of minoxodiol can only really be seen long term.


Because I'm not exactly clear what you know...allow me to tell you some things:


1. You do NOT have to use minoxodil for your hair transplant to grow. It is your choice as to whether you want to use it at all.


2. Though many clinics have different thoughts on this, I personally think it's a good idea to wait about a month or so post op before using minox. Because minoxodil can irritate your scalp, I think it's better to let the area heal a bit first.


3. Using minoxodil may help you keep existing native hair that is susceptible to DHT and it may also regrow some hair.


4. Be consistent...either use minoxodil or don't. If you don't mind the messy regime, it might be worth it...otherwise, feel free to lose it. BUT if you want to keep any benefits you might be experiencing from the drug, you must continue it's use.


5. Minoxodil MAY help speed up the growth from the initial HT...but this is projection. There is no real proof that this works.


I hope this helps.



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