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Can one 'plant' hair outside loss-areas?

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  • Regular Member

Sorry for the poorly formulated topic title.


Anyway, to my situation and question;

I have a high hairline and i do not think i have lost any hair (if so, little). Would there be possible to 'plant' grafts (is that what you call individual sacks of hair?) in an area (well, basically the upper forehead) even tho there has never been any hair there?


It seems that most users on these forums are having their transplant on top of areas that previously had full hair on them, in my case this is not needed. In the quest for a good-looking hairline the question is; Is it possible to transplant hair to an area that has never been occupied by full hair growth, effectively creating a brand new hairline?

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  • Regular Member

Sorry for the poorly formulated topic title.


Anyway, to my situation and question;

I have a high hairline and i do not think i have lost any hair (if so, little). Would there be possible to 'plant' grafts (is that what you call individual sacks of hair?) in an area (well, basically the upper forehead) even tho there has never been any hair there?


It seems that most users on these forums are having their transplant on top of areas that previously had full hair on them, in my case this is not needed. In the quest for a good-looking hairline the question is; Is it possible to transplant hair to an area that has never been occupied by full hair growth, effectively creating a brand new hairline?

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  • Senior Member

No problem, they could plant them on the end of your nose if you would like. icon_smile.gif Ofcourse certain areas of your body will be more likely to grow due to blood flow, etc.


It is sometimes more easy for a surgeon to follow the old hairloss pattern, but they can created a whole new hairline for you. Make sure that you find a very talented physician with excellent skills because it is imperative. Check out this site and research the Coalition docs and go from there.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Of course transplants can be placed to create a lower hairline. I'm not sure but if you conduct a search through this site, you'll find much information on lowering both naturally occurring and pre-existing hairlines.

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  • Senior Member

Some people just have a congenitally high forehead. Like you, many of these individuals do not even suffer from pattern hair loss. You can transplant hairs to build a new frontline in such cases. It is OK to get "aggressive" with hair line location, as long as you do not have a great potential to lose hair later in life.


How old are you, Fr3dr1k?

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Regular Member

I am 19 years old, so this is not something i (very unfortunately) cannot do in the near future as i might be yet another victim of MPB in the years to come.


By the way, would there be any way a professional person could predict the chance of having hair loss due to MPB in the future? I guess this is hoping for too much, but hey - it will probably be doable in the future if isn't already (DNA/Stem cell observation or something in that direction).


Also, when thinking about starting up using the recommended drugs - is this something that would be useful at all considering i really am not sure i am suffering from hair loss (yet)? This might be a potential waste of money..


I would really like to go see a surgeon to get really professional answers to all my questions, but i live in Norway (which means this sites recommendations are void for me at the moment) and i am not sure where i would go to consult a professional surgeon. There is not a Norwegian community for these things, so this is a big obstacle.


It would be troublesome if i have to travel to USA or some foreign Europe country just to have a 30min talk with a surgeon :/


EDIT: I came over this guy, he 'stops by' Norway as well as other countries, does anyone have anything to say about him? (Site: http://www.myhairclinic.com/)

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  • Senior Member
I am 19 years old, so this is not something i (very unfortunately) cannot do in the near future as i might be yet another victim of MPB in the years to come.


At 19 yrs old, it will be difficult to determine what you worst case senario is for hair loss. There is not alot to go by except your family history. This is only a limited clue, as the genetics of hair loss are not predictable.


If you've yet to lose any hair and your hairline is just naturally high, medical therapy in not a good choice. Given your age, I would suggest that HT is not a good choice either.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Senior Member


I point out my case to a lot of younger noobs on here who are trying to predict their future hair loss:


My father has kept all his hair from high school to his 60s, my uncles all seem to be keeping their hair at similar ages, both my grandfathers died as NW#2s in their 70s/80s . . . and yet I'm visibly losing hair at 28. Without drug intervention, I would probably be a shiny-head NW#5a by age 40 or so.


Genetics ARE NOT everything. It's good that you're willing to wait. Unfortunately 19 years old is just too young to tell anything yet.




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