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After Effect

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Hi Guys,

I was wondering if the after effect (Post HT) are different from one person to another...(like oedema etc..)

It is possible to prevent it as most as possible ? As i would like to go visit people 1 or 2 day after the HT but rather not tell them ;-)

Besides that, the funny question, the staples do buzz when going through airport security or not ? this is embarassing especially if you re with relatives whom are not aware about it ?

Do you have any tricks for that ?


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  • Regular Member

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if the after effect (Post HT) are different from one person to another...(like oedema etc..)

It is possible to prevent it as most as possible ? As i would like to go visit people 1 or 2 day after the HT but rather not tell them ;-)

Besides that, the funny question, the staples do buzz when going through airport security or not ? this is embarassing especially if you re with relatives whom are not aware about it ?

Do you have any tricks for that ?


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Not sure about staples as i had sutures.. Your main factor is whether or not your doc requires you to shave your head.. If he/she does not then you may cover the grafts with the surrounding hair.. 1 or 2 days post op is a bit premature though.. I would say a week at best to conceal.



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by mike2007:

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if the after effect (Post HT) are different from one person to another...(like oedema etc..)

It is possible to prevent it as most as possible ? As i would like to go visit people 1 or 2 day after the HT but rather not tell them ;-)

Besides that, the funny question, the staples do buzz when going through airport security or not ? this is embarassing especially if you re with relatives whom are not aware about it ?

Do you have any tricks for that ?





You'll receive pre-op instructions that more or less help you stop drinking or taking anything that would thin your blood. Other than that, keep your head elevated, maybe have some ice packs for the first few days, and try and clean the grafts as much as possible/ as soon as possible to help heal.


I had no trouble with staples and airport security at Vancouver airport after Ht #2 with Master Wong. I know a guy that did set the detector off but simply lifted his hat, said "HT" and was quickly told by security to put the hat back on before they "tossed their cookies". icon_cool.gif. Don't worry about it, no one knows you there anyway.


The only people that know I had a HT are my wife and kids, parents, brother and his wife and my best friend.......that's it. If you allow around 2 weeks and are an average healer, you should be fine. Just blend in the sides and back with the closely cropped top and mind the scar strategically trimming around it.


After my 2nd HT, I did the short haircut look and received a few stray comments at the office but just laughed them off and people forgot about my hair quickly and all was well. For my next HT in a few months, I plan to take pre-op pics for Master Wong about 1 month before hand with my hair how I normally wear it in order to show him exactly where I want the grafts placed, then I'm shaving down to 1/2" or a little closer and will wear my hair that way for the whole month prior to being off work two weeks for the HT. That way, when I come back to work 2 weeks later, everyone will already have had a chance to see me with ultr-short hair and hopefully won't suspect anything.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Regular Member

Well, thanks Mrjb and thanks Hairbank

In fact, no the doc, doesnt require me to shave head.

And in fact , my question was oriented to a specidif case.

In fact, i need to travel abroad for this HT, and in this same country, i have family and friends...However i ll be ther only up to 3 days after HT; and i wanted to know if it will be possible to see them there before flying back, without them noticing the HT (even if i have to wear a cap it will be ok in fact; my concern is more about the oedema -> does it HAVE to occur ? is it in relation to the number of grafts , the more you have HT, the more change you have to develop an oedema ? )

Besides, As i see that you both have had 3HT; i was wonderning, were those taken on the same places (i mean havin only on scar ?) As i ve heard it s possible.. oR do you have it on different places ?

Besides that are the scar on the back different from the one on the sides (less painful ? etc..)

And least how many can you ? Does it depend on the amount you already taken ?

Say, if you have a potential of 10 000 hairs that you can HT... Does it mean that you could theroically make 10 HT of 1000 each...or is there a limit to HT beside the potential of hair ?

Thanks a lot for your answers...

And hairbank; yes i d like to see you pre and post pictures asap... Good luck for you all.


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The oedema will depend on how you heal and how much work you've had done. If this is a virgin surgery, and you have work done in the frontal 1/3 of more than 1000 grafts, I suspect you'll have some swelling in the first few days.


Usually, the old scar is excised with the new surgery as was done with my 2nd HT, I go in for HT #3 in a few months and it will be the same so I'll only have one scar.


The scar is in a smile shape from somewhere above the ear on one side of your head, down the back of the head then up the other side, make sense? I didn't have much of any pain.


We all have a finite number of donor grafts, totally dependent on your genes. Hair density and the number of hairs per sq. cm. in the donor area will determine how many you can harvest. I'd say the average person has anywhere from 6,000-10,000.


How many you get in one session is of significance. A 1000 graft session is small by todays standards and will not really provide a great deal of cosmetic benefit unless the area covered is fairly small. Much more economical and cost effective to get as many as possible in one session.........assuming you have an established loss pattern and are old enough to know what things look like with respect to your loss and available donor hair.


You can see ALL my pics from both HT's by clicking on "My Hair Loss Weblog" at the bottom of my post. There are scar pics and pics fresh out of surgery so they should be helpful to you.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks Hairbank

You re right that wiser to get a bigger session...however and again for people which are having a progressive balding; i t s hard to wait too much to make big session.. you re always caught in the middle. Not Waiting enough makes it impossible to have a big ession, since there is still hair; waiting too much makes it visible the previous HT... WHAT TO DO then ??? icon_confused.gif

Besides, i didn t get what u said avvording the number of HT.

In the case yo have 10000 donor hair.

will you be able to do indifereenlty 10 times FUT of 1000 ; or 5 times FUT of 2000 or is there a mximum of excision that your scalp can tolerate ?


Last thing : Besides the fact that i used once minoxydil and when i stoped it i felt like i lost a lot more of hairs; and while using it i didn t feel any better progress... Will it be the same with finasteride...? i mean if i wanted to make a try for one year to see if there s any diofference and at the end don t wanna take it anymore...are the consequence the same as minoxydil..when you stop it s even worse ?

Thanks for you all...

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"Can" you have 10 STRIP (FUT) sessions of 1000 each?? If you have good scalp laxity and available donor hair.........I would say possibly yes but I don't know for sure. Skin stretches, so, if you have multiple HT's and performed scalp exercises in between I'll guess and say you could have several HT's. You do lose some grafts during the harvest due to transsection so the multiple HT's would likely be a little counterproductive in this respect.


Yes, it's a dilemma, when is the "right" time to get a HT? For me this wasn't a problem because I already had a bald crown and thin top before any HT's. I'd turn to a good HT Doc or consultant and follow their advice if I were you.


As for minox..............I never used it for any length of time because I hated the messy regimen. As for Finasteride, yes, you may have the same issue in that you could try it for a year with no visible results, then stop and maybe start thinning, however, i think if you did thin it would be hair lost that was going soon anyway. I do believe Fin works for many people............I know it's helped me. I do NOT count on it for regrowth, just maintenance. I've rarely seen any results from Fin that provided a person with any real cosmetic benefit.


Hope this helps,



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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