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  • Senior Member

I have never had a ht, but Ive been researching them off and on for the past seven years now. I just recently found this forum and have found it to be the most infromational and trustworthy source of knowledge. After researching this forum and chatting with many posters, Im considering going to H&W for a consultation. Yet, I still have a couple points of concern which it seems there are no hard definite answers for; but I would still apreciate your thoughts on. First off, Im 28. My hair loss has been slow and steady begining with a mild "widows peak" when I was about 21. Slowly, but surely the widows peak has extended back in a typical 'v' shape (with hair still in the front middle and thinning on top). Sorry, no pic. I have two worries, the first typical and the second EXTREME:


1. Extent of Future Loss: now I know this is completelly unpredictable and I, in NO way, am looking to have the hairline of an 18 year old. That being said, what if I go through with a ht, and by the time Im 50 I end up becoming a NW7. No one knows if this will or will not happen, but if it does I could end up with a moat of skin wrapping around my head between the top (transplanted hair) and bottom sides; or I might even lose some of the transplanted hair as well.

2. EXTREME WORRY: I recently read a postin on this forum, that stated (although very rare) sometimes ht dont take. That is to say that the transplanted hair NEVER grows in. Has anyone heard of a coalition doctor recommended on this forum EVER having a patient whose ht didn't take? To me, this sounds nuts, but I had to ask as I just read about it on the forum yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. One more thing: no I havent tried any meds yet, but Im considering Rogaine (although seriously doubt it will work) and will probably get on Propecia if I have a ht.

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  • Senior Member

I have never had a ht, but Ive been researching them off and on for the past seven years now. I just recently found this forum and have found it to be the most infromational and trustworthy source of knowledge. After researching this forum and chatting with many posters, Im considering going to H&W for a consultation. Yet, I still have a couple points of concern which it seems there are no hard definite answers for; but I would still apreciate your thoughts on. First off, Im 28. My hair loss has been slow and steady begining with a mild "widows peak" when I was about 21. Slowly, but surely the widows peak has extended back in a typical 'v' shape (with hair still in the front middle and thinning on top). Sorry, no pic. I have two worries, the first typical and the second EXTREME:


1. Extent of Future Loss: now I know this is completelly unpredictable and I, in NO way, am looking to have the hairline of an 18 year old. That being said, what if I go through with a ht, and by the time Im 50 I end up becoming a NW7. No one knows if this will or will not happen, but if it does I could end up with a moat of skin wrapping around my head between the top (transplanted hair) and bottom sides; or I might even lose some of the transplanted hair as well.

2. EXTREME WORRY: I recently read a postin on this forum, that stated (although very rare) sometimes ht dont take. That is to say that the transplanted hair NEVER grows in. Has anyone heard of a coalition doctor recommended on this forum EVER having a patient whose ht didn't take? To me, this sounds nuts, but I had to ask as I just read about it on the forum yesterday. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions. One more thing: no I havent tried any meds yet, but Im considering Rogaine (although seriously doubt it will work) and will probably get on Propecia if I have a ht.

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  • Regular Member

Well, you should probably take a good look at your older male relatives. Considering your age, it will probably be extensive, but maybe not a 7. It is important to use meds. If you use Propecia, get a prescription for Proscar and a pill cutter, dividing the pills into quarters. It is a little stronger than propecia and a lot cheaper that way, maybe even cheaper than Rogaine.


I would think a good surgeon takes into account your age and what may happen in years to come.


I think most docs give some type of guarantee if it doesn't work out-something you should ask. I have never heard of anyone posting on here that they never grew.

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