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Weening off Rogaine


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I have been on Propecia about a year now, Rogaine about a year and ahalf. I just upped my dose of Propecia to a whole pill a day, I was halfing. Question is, will the Propecia do all and more the Rogaine is supposed to. I mean can I just kill the Rogaine. Its a bit annoying to me now. Especially with my schedule and having to see the crap in my hair from time to time. So basically am I gonna lose a bit if I get off Rogaine even though I am staying on the Propecia.



Matt 6: 25-34

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I have been on Propecia about a year now, Rogaine about a year and ahalf. I just upped my dose of Propecia to a whole pill a day, I was halfing. Question is, will the Propecia do all and more the Rogaine is supposed to. I mean can I just kill the Rogaine. Its a bit annoying to me now. Especially with my schedule and having to see the crap in my hair from time to time. So basically am I gonna lose a bit if I get off Rogaine even though I am staying on the Propecia.



Matt 6: 25-34

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I've been on proscar for about 2 months now, coincidently I've gotton a serious girl friend and I spent most nights at her place. Therefore I don't use rogaine the nights I am there, for about the past two months. I probably do 7 out the recomended 14 doses per week. Also I ran out of 5% two weeks ago and have only been using my 12.5% xandrox on my hair line since then. I havn't noticed any less hair, or more shedding. I noticed almost no shedding since I started proscar, so I really feel thats the answer to my problem. I'm gonna get back on rogaine(atleast 12 out 14 doses, I'll shoot for) just to aid in my hair, but if all goes well and my thinning spot vanishes(i've used rogaine for almost a year on and off and it never makes it go away, only get a little fuller) then I'll dump the rogaine all together.




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