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Patient recourse after surgery gone bad???

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  • Regular Member

Hello my follicular friends!


I have been asking myself this question for the past year: What is my recourse, or negotiation power, after having paid 10000$ for a 3000 FU surgery gone bad???


In my opinion, the appearance of my scar is way below average as the growth of the 3000 FU! My HT doctor acknowledges the poor condition of my scar but judges that my growth is normal...


Hence, my HT doctor offered me a 500 FUE surgery for 500$, which I agreed to considering the low level of risk involved, and is now offering me a scar repair/minimal graft transplant procedure for 800$. However, I am rather considering going elsewhere (HW, Epstein or Rahal) for my 3rd HT (I had a 1200 FU with Dr. Kohn prior to this surgery that yielded great results compared to this second one)


Considering these information, what should I do with my previous HT doc? He clearly acknowledges being "in debt" towards me by offering these low price surgeries, but considering that I do not want to go back to him, how can I retrieve some of this value???


Thank you for our attention

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  • Regular Member

Hello my follicular friends!


I have been asking myself this question for the past year: What is my recourse, or negotiation power, after having paid 10000$ for a 3000 FU surgery gone bad???


In my opinion, the appearance of my scar is way below average as the growth of the 3000 FU! My HT doctor acknowledges the poor condition of my scar but judges that my growth is normal...


Hence, my HT doctor offered me a 500 FUE surgery for 500$, which I agreed to considering the low level of risk involved, and is now offering me a scar repair/minimal graft transplant procedure for 800$. However, I am rather considering going elsewhere (HW, Epstein or Rahal) for my 3rd HT (I had a 1200 FU with Dr. Kohn prior to this surgery that yielded great results compared to this second one)


Considering these information, what should I do with my previous HT doc? He clearly acknowledges being "in debt" towards me by offering these low price surgeries, but considering that I do not want to go back to him, how can I retrieve some of this value???


Thank you for our attention

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  • Senior Member

Hello MTLien44


I just went through the same thing with my doctor so I feel your pain. He listened to my concerns and told me not to worry that it can be fixed. To be honest it is hard to not worry when something that has been bothering you or even consuming your thoughts has not been fixed after spending the money. Now it may be worse because it may be noticeable you had something done


My poor result has affected my life personally and professionally. I have explained that to him. He offered to "fix" it and I told him I was very apprehensive about it. Then He offered to help me on the repair If I wanted to go somewhere else. I told him that made me feel a little better. Now this help has not come yet

as I have a procedure with Dr. Rahal in July. I hope he follows through. He did seem very concerned about me. I mentioned I would like him to talk with Dr Rahal and maybe they could come up with an agreement.


I would just explain how your poor result has impacted you and then bring it up to him or see if he has any other suggestions. If he is ethical and concerned about you as a patient

I think he should help you out.


Just my opinion.

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  • Senior Member

You might get an attorney to send him a letter for starters. When I was a manager for a food manufacturing plant, we'd generally settle claims for less than $10k as the cost to defend that small case was high.


Now, this was a Fortune 500 company, so the doctor is obviously in a different position. However, I think you might find him willing to arbitrate with you to keep you and your lawyer from hounding him for the next couple of years.


But, I firmly believe attorneys are bad only when you don't need them. He won't take you serious until you go at it legally, imo.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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  • Senior Member

you could send him a letter from an attorney but that may automatically put him on the defensive as I am sure that he thinks he does "great" work He very well could feel insulted and less likely to work with you.

Also it would be hard to get a settlement in my opinion because as with any cosmetic procedure there are no gaurantees on results.

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