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a head of hair with low hairline? hmmm

The Bench

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((disclaimer)) i know this has been discussed, but i thought i would put my brain on the table, as my thoughts im sure are shared with many others on this board


So ive done my research, plenty for quite a while, ive met with one of the top doc's, seen all the photos, im 28 (still quite young) and a norwood 3. there really is to much time put into this topic, as i have been a victim of it as well, and for those of you who lost your top at a young age i truly feel for you. but at some point its gotta be let go, cause for most it is out of your control... and remember your body is only your vehicle that gets you through life. HERE WE GO- this is what gets to me, some results seen on this site and others are quite good in comparison with other hair transplants, but given that the photos are edited to only show the best results from each particular angle, lighting and hair style (i know this being a photographer and editing my own for the hero(best shot), and just like you editing photos of yourself for your blog, photo albums, and such where you toss the ones you just dont look right in), but even some of the best results still look thin and unrealistic in the back 3/4 with a nice full hairline, who balds that way? over time everything that hasnt been transplanted will most likely thin out and diminish except the sides which most likely will lower giving you hair on top... then a gap of skin... and hair on the sides, this is a good possibility even with meds, you have all seen older gentleman with a low "horse shoe around the back of there head" ever wonder how it gets so low? just because its all gone on top doesnt mean it wont continue to recede down on the sides. so if you are only capable of 7500 grafts at age 40 and you use 7000 on top what will you do then? maybe grab another 500 if possible to fill in a 1 inch by 4 inch gap on each side? i cant stress it enough that it is probably a good idea to think about your future, a pill isnt the answer to never loosing another hair, it could be for a select few but were talking forever. this is not a negative approach and if it seams that way it is not my intent, i am just speaking my mind and using a bit of common sense, im just like you probing this site looking for exceptional results that very from patient to patient and doctor to doctor and patient to doctor and doctor to patient... joking sorta, and going under the gun for your original hairline or even something similar, to me seems like playing a game of russian roulette, if your the type to "back the horses" then gamble away. what im getting at is this, to much of what people want is a nice low hairline, and ive seen it plenty where a patient gets a mega session of 5000 drops the forehead down way to much and gets somewhat thin results that look good indoors and under club lighting, i know i know ive seen hasson and wong, feller, rahal, etc...and in no way is this a attack on them or anyone for that matter, they are quite excellent at what they do! and i admire their craftsmanship... excellent results guys! but remember results vary! but when you want that much space covered they only have so much they can work with. why not opt for a hairline a bunch higher like those of nicholas cage or tom hanks who said to be under the suspicion of hair transplant, if they keep their hairline high and quite mature they will have enough grafts to pack them in and actually have a resource of grafts for just about true coverage all over where it is needed when the time comes, imagine if one of these top doc's could place 1/3 more grafts just because you decided you would be quite a bit more conservative and if its thin in a couple spots it makes sense due to your hairline being receded, and trust me im sure it will pay off as you age, at young ages people are making the mistake of the lower hairline, but ive also noticed some middle aged and older gentleman having gone through with this look.

not exactly flattering for most except with topic. and for those of you who miss styling your hair differently might i suggest my favorite site of all - beards.org

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The Bench,


I think what you are rightfully pointing out, is that there are limitations to hair transplant surgery and results vary. That's why it's important patients understand what can realistically be accomplished before undergoing surgery. This should include a long term hair restoration plan, appropriate hairline design, and good use of a finite donor hair supply.


Hair transplantation is about restoring as much hair as possible, creating a natural look, and risk management. Overall, it's about improving one's appearance and confidence.


Lower hairlines may be appropriate for some patients, but they aren't for everyone. Patient's with extensive hair loss will never achieve full coverage and density. Additionally, it's true that lighting and angles plays a significant role in how one's hair appears. Bright spotlights are never friendly and the angle of the light can make even a cosmetically dense head of hair look thinner.


All patients considering hair transplantation should be aware of these limitations, and either accept them while working to improve the appearance of their hair, or consider other options.


Thanks for your input.



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  • Senior Member

The Bench


I went in to my HT wanting a higher hair line to look dense, yet age appropriate. I am also 28. This gve me the ability to have furtherwork done in the future when I bald even further. Dr. Rahal also suggested this as the best approach. I think at times the doctors have no choice but to do what the clients asks them to do even if they disagree. When it cam to this, I really appreciated Dr. Rahal's honesty.



3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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