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New here!..UK centres/HT techniques

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New to this site.

I'm 29, have fairly strong family history of baldness. Currently I have very thin hair/bald frontal and crown areas.

a few questions:

1.what do people here think of Dr Farjo clinic inthe uk.

2.punch drill versus strip method.

3.can the donar site be an area other than your head?

Many thanks

have added pic to give idea of current hair loss, and have tried minoxidil in the past.


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New to this site.

I'm 29, have fairly strong family history of baldness. Currently I have very thin hair/bald frontal and crown areas.

a few questions:

1.what do people here think of Dr Farjo clinic inthe uk.

2.punch drill versus strip method.

3.can the donar site be an area other than your head?

Many thanks

have added pic to give idea of current hair loss, and have tried minoxidil in the past.

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Guest wanthairs



dont know if this helps, but most of the stories ive heard of HT's from the UK are disasters. Most english people I know come to the USA to have it done and choose either Dr. Jeffrey Epstein of Miami or Hasson and Wong clinic. I myself (from London) have had excellent results from Epstein...There are people trying out donor sites from the body, in particular Dr. Umar in California and Woods in Australia. At this point in time there is great skepticism about the method. From what I see, it looks like you need a "megasession" , which would be strip method. Look at the websties of both Doctors and it would be probably cheaper and better for you to fly to the USA to have this done especially with the current exchange rate between the pound and the dollar.

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Welcome to our community.


I'll try to answer your questions.


1. What do people think of Dr. Farjo clinic in the uk?


Dr. Farjo is recommended on this site...however, I have some questions regarding this clinic in how they have handled themselves regarding a member of this community "slaphead". Though ALL the facts aren't known, AND I haven't seen any of their work apart from slaphead, at this time, I am not comfortable making a personal recommendation. However, I do stand by this site and know that Pat felt comfortable enough to add them to the recommended list. To see the criteria for this community to recommend doctors, click here: http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physicia...ation-physicians.asp


2. Punch drill verse strip method


Regarding Strip verses FUE....feel free to read my post here:




3. Can the donor site be an area other than your head?


Yes, this is called Body Hair Transplantation (BHT). Currently, there ARE some doctors that do it, however, it's still experimental and highly inconsistent at this time. I personally wouldn't recommend it until there is more positive consistency.


From your picture, it appears that you are either a NW6 or a NW7 which means you will most likely NOT be able to achieve both, full coverage and decent density. You will have to be extremely realistic with your expectations and goals.


The best thing you can do is consult with one of our coalition doctors to see what they can do for you and see if it matches with YOUR goals. http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp.


Because hair transplantation does nothing to stop hair loss, if you want to keep ANY of your native hair, you may want to consider finasteride and minoxodil.


I hope this helps.



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Guest wanthairs



You need a prescription for propecia, although you can buy it off the net but I dont know about the quality. I paid exactly $10,000 for 2900 grafts which appear to have given me good coverage but I need to wait a year to really tell. I plan of having a second procedure to fill it up so when all is said and done I guess i will end up spending about 20,000 dollars..

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hello just joined forgive me as im new to all this.ive had one session with dr farjo approx 2200 grafts.15 months on and im very happy with my results.zac i had very similar norwood to you and now look totally different.still contemplating having my crown worked on though.i suggest you visit dr farjo and like me i think you will find him to be genuine and professional.i felt i must post because i am fed up with doctors being dismissed just because their situated on the wrong side of the pond farjo and rogers in particular.

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Welcome to our community. Would you be willing to start a new thread and share your experience/results/photos? We'd love to see them.


Unfortunately, I really haven't seen any results apart from slaphead007, so it would be nice to see some variety.





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you appear to be a NW 7 and I don't see how 2200 grafts balody mentioned for a similar NW would give a satisfactory result. I had 2700 into the front third only and I had a much narrower area to fill. I would recommend a US or Canadian clinic capable of giving you a large session that you would require to achieve a satisfactory result. None of the UK clinics are capable of carrying out megasessions. Of the UK clinics, Dr Rogers appears to be the best but for your amount of hair loss, it would require at least two or three sessions to get the coverage you would need as Dr Rogers doesn't do megasessions. Have a look at my pictures to see what 2700 grafts gets you and you'll see that 2200 on your head would be like a drop in the ocean. I travelled from Europe to New York for my HT and it probably worked out cheaper than having it in the UK even with hotels and flights thanks to the favourable exchange rate - the quality of work was also 10 times better than anything I've seen from the UK.


Your only choice would be strip (and that's assuming you have enough donor, you may not even be a good candidate for a HT unless you have excellent donor) due to the large area to be filled - FUE is only for smaller sessions.

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Originally posted by zac:

Thanks for info.

where do u get propecia from (can you just buy it over the net)?



Dr Ashcroft can prescribe you Proscar or Propecia in the UK - I wouldn't risk buying it on-line. See www.hair-help.co.uk for his email/phone number.

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Just on the subject of Propecia, I personally buy it over the internet. I did a bit of looking around and found a UK-based website which offers you an online consultation (a short form). This is looked at by a doctor, who then approves your perscription, and you are texted a perscription number, you log into the site, enters your debit/credit card details, your order is given to a pharamacy, they issue the drug, it gets sent and is usuall delivered with 24 hours of placing an order.


I won't say the site since I'm not sure about the rules of advetising it, but feel free to PM me.

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