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looking for generic avodart


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  • Regular Member

ive been on propecia (generic proscar) for the past year. ive been getting it form this site.




i cut the pills in 4 and take 1 each night. im not sure how well its working but ill continue on it anyways. im very interested in getting avodart now. i see it blocks more DHT than Propecia. The site i get the proscar from also sells generic Dutasteride but im not sure which one to get. if anyone could help me that would be great. also is there any risk taking the 2 drugs together and should i cut it into 4's like the propecia? thanks again.



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  • Regular Member

ive been on propecia (generic proscar) for the past year. ive been getting it form this site.




i cut the pills in 4 and take 1 each night. im not sure how well its working but ill continue on it anyways. im very interested in getting avodart now. i see it blocks more DHT than Propecia. The site i get the proscar from also sells generic Dutasteride but im not sure which one to get. if anyone could help me that would be great. also is there any risk taking the 2 drugs together and should i cut it into 4's like the propecia? thanks again.



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  • Moderators

Isn't avodart basically just Rogaine with a few things mixed in? If so just use Rogaine for much less money. I think there's a couple of people here who alternate Proscar and Dutasteride. Take Proscar one day and Dutasteride the next day.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • Senior Member

i would avoid the generics b/c you never know if you are getting the real drug, but @ BeHappy, no, Avodart is NOT Rogaine!!! Rogaine is the brand name for the generic minoxidil, and Avodart is the brand name for the generic dutasteride. People don't alternate Proscar (another brand name for 5 mg finasteride) and dutasteride. They usually take one or the other and add Rogaine as an adjunct therapy, usually applied to the crown.

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