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analysis paralysis

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I feel like all I do is read sites and research, but I am no closer to a decision. I feel I am as educated as possible, have a top-notch doc and excellent donor supply (accroding to doc), and realistic expectations about what I can get out of a HT (mature hairline, etc..)

But I am still hung up on the fact that I'm 24, and don't know if I am ready to committ to this for life (time and money). Even with this top-notch doc, I'm not 100 percent sure the result would be great, and that I want a scar in the back of my head.

On the other hand i don't want to be bald. And even if this doc does a good job, then the good result would come with the trade-off of having to accept all the above concerns (money, time, future commitment, scar).

I know this sounds jumbled, but i just can't seem to pull the trigger, even after I've done a ton of research. Is there any one thing that made you guys decide to accept all the above risks and drawbacks, and just go for it? Also, was it as tough as a decision for you guys also? Any guidance is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!


Also...I'm on propecia and rogaine. I know I could always wait on getting a HT, but I feel that is just procrastinating the decision-making. And I probably wont see much hair regrowth in the front and temple areas.

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  • Regular Member

I feel like all I do is read sites and research, but I am no closer to a decision. I feel I am as educated as possible, have a top-notch doc and excellent donor supply (accroding to doc), and realistic expectations about what I can get out of a HT (mature hairline, etc..)

But I am still hung up on the fact that I'm 24, and don't know if I am ready to committ to this for life (time and money). Even with this top-notch doc, I'm not 100 percent sure the result would be great, and that I want a scar in the back of my head.

On the other hand i don't want to be bald. And even if this doc does a good job, then the good result would come with the trade-off of having to accept all the above concerns (money, time, future commitment, scar).

I know this sounds jumbled, but i just can't seem to pull the trigger, even after I've done a ton of research. Is there any one thing that made you guys decide to accept all the above risks and drawbacks, and just go for it? Also, was it as tough as a decision for you guys also? Any guidance is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks!


Also...I'm on propecia and rogaine. I know I could always wait on getting a HT, but I feel that is just procrastinating the decision-making. And I probably wont see much hair regrowth in the front and temple areas.

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Hi George


You have done all the hard work by the sound of things and hopefully you will reap the benefit of the research soon.


Dont forget the heart as it is a 'brain' in its own right .so wait till that is happy,maybe it means waiting as Baldbozo rightly advised.


As my surgery is booked and research done, the last check is the emotional one and i feel its important to really feel 'now is the time' before you go into the chair


Good luck plus you are not alone

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  • Regular Member

Thankyou eberybody for chiming in, please keep em comin.

Hairbgoin- I'm not ready to "committ to balding", but if I can use propecia and concealers, that's one route to go with it's own set of pro's and cons, just like a HT has it's own set of pros and cons.

I feel if I can wait six months or more, then I should wait. Maybe I'll be more convinced to get one then, or maybe realize I don't want one. And I always have the toppik. But I need to stop obsessing in the mirror about it. That's the tough part. I'm letting it take up too much of my time. WAY too much time. So I need to act now, or make a decision to wait -- and be at peace with that decision.


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