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I want a mop with some moxie...


If you drew a straight line over the top of your head that ended up reaching the back tip of your ears (used merely for a reference point) and had 5K grafts placed from this line going forward, then would this give you a pretty stylish mop?


Would the placement of these grafts cover everything except the crown? Im wondering precisely where what people consider the "crown" begins and ends...


I know that an Elvis mop is really out of the question and not even close to possible in all reality. But, I would still like to have some styling options apart from a comb over. I do still have quite a bit of native hair too by the way...


Im just wondering about the numbers and placement as I was looking at Bobmans blog last night and he had about 5k on the top and 5k in the crown. So did Nicnitro...


any thoughts?


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IMO, 5000 in the frontal third will make a good cosmetic improvement on any individual; however, the more native hair the person has the greater the cosmetic improvement; for example, someone totally bald in the frontal third is not going to get the density as someone who still has native hair if they both got 5000 grafts; the person who had a decent amount of native hair would be able to pull off more styles etc and may be able to be more aggressive on the hairline height compared to the indivuidual with no native hair.


IMO, the crown is the top, back part of the head where you see the "bald spot" on people; if you go to the Merk propecia website and see the pictures that show the improvement of the individuals; they refer to the area as the vertex, or crown, if you will;


That picture of Elvis, he had awesome temple points, they almost touch his eyebrows

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fantastic reply as always...just par for you brother. Regarding your comments on Elvis: I did NOT even notice that. Your right! I have always thought temple reconstruction is a total waste of donor hairs, but never realized the cosmetic difference it can make. WOW! He had a sh$t load of hair, especially in his temples!!!


I know you are right regarding the cosmetic differences with respect to those who have a significant amount of native hair left and those who do not...The biggest problem, in my lights, is the unknown: how long will those native hairs last? One does not want to undergo a procedure and neglect transplanting hairs within an area where there are still a significant amount of native hairs left only to have to go back in a couple of years for another ht in order to not look like a freak...In my opinion, being a diffused thinner with a 'v' shape recession is a double edged sword: on the one hand it is good because you still have enough hair to cover your domb and style, but on one and the same token it is difficult if your considering a ht. How should you adress the area with native hair? Will the transplant blend with a natural appearance in the areas where there are absolutely NO hair with those areas where there is still native hair?...I will discover one day and you will be the first to hear about it dhoose...



as for the rest of you greedy bastards who only take but don't give: take a lesson from dhoose and give during these festive seasons...

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As far as looking like a "freak" when the native hair miniturizes; if you are on propecia it happens very slow, so worse case it just looks like you are naturally thinning a little; it is not drastic, where you all of a sudden look like a freak with dense HT hairs and nothing behind it. Therefore, it gives you time to have another surgery to add more density and nobody will really notice. My last doc, Dr. Avonovitz added density at the hairline between my native hair and nobody was able to tell i even had surgery; my girlfriend who i saw 4-5 days after the surgery forgot I had the surgery and didnt' even mention it; so what i'm trying to say, if you need to go back a few years later to add density without recontstructing the hairline, it is easy to hide as long as the doc doesn't shave the receipent area; so don't let that prevent you from moving forward; it is a non issue;

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I basically had almost what you described; draw a line from one side to the other at around the center of the ears. 4900 grafts. Even knowing I DO NOT have the same density I had at 20yrs old, I can't tell by looking at it or feeling it. My temples receded WAY back (Jack Nicholson style) by the time I was 24. Add to that I wore it buzzed for 20yrs in the military. So, for 20yrs, I've had little hair on my head with the exception of a few times here and there when it was necessary to blend in with local nationals by NOT looking military. So, basically my "memory" of what my hair was like or how thick it was 20 sum odd years ago is fairly hazy. So now when I brush it, wash it, feel it blowing in the wind, or look at my hairline, as far as I can tell I'm back to 20 yrs old! If I compare my "Hasson" hairline to pics from 20 yrs ago, it is almost identical. I was looking at a picture of me and my son when he was about 18 months old (he's 17 yrs now) I have more hair and hairline than those pictures. I think I actually giggle like a little girl in those moments but don't quote me on that.

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pushing40 thats funny...actually (now THIS is gonna sound kinda strange) but today I was feeling the skin on the receeded sides of my hair line and I remembered your new hair and you mentioning in one of your posts that it is so strange for you now when your rubbing your head and now feeling hair their where it was not before...Makes me want to take care of this because my biggest problem is this strange v shape recession that keeps inching its way back and is uneven.


The Elvis pic was really more of a dream/joke. I know this is in no way possible. And your comments regarding having ALL your old hair back totally resinate with me. It's been so long since I have had a completelly full head of hair that I don't even remember what that would be like anyway. But, I often look at blogs such as yours and see what a fantastic transformation this has become and wonder what that must feel like.To have so much more hair that you can actually run your fingers through and style differently? I have had the same lame ass hair cut for SEVEN long years now! I think I recall you mentioning that even your hair stylist did not know you had a ht. With such a radical transformation (so much new hair) how could ANYONE not know? Let alone your hair cutter?

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Well, it was easier for me than most. I was retired and not working; I usually cut my own hair because I was simply buzzing it off and so no one here ever really saw me with longer hair, especially the barber. Then, as its been growing out, I see people I haven't seen in a year or so and they are like "wow, you look great; look at all that hair; you look younger since retiring; must be the lower stress!" They only saw me with a buzzed head so they just think it is so different since it is longer now and don't realize there is more hair. My friends and family know of course but general acquaintances don't.


Like you said, our memory of what our hair used to be like is just not too fresh. So, add a few thousand grafts and cover some forehead up, and viola!!

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