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HT in San Francisco help


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I am new to this sight. I have been losing my hair since I was 18, I am now 25 and have decided i would like to get a transplant done. I have had a consultation with MHR and liked what they told me. I came across this site today and it looks as if MHR is not well respected so I think I should look eslewhere.

I do not know anyone who has had surgery so I have no idea how to find a good doctor. Can anyone recommend a doctor (or two) in the SF Bay area who would be worth visiting for a consultation?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • Regular Member

Hi Abdi,


Welcome to the forum.


Please see the attached link for some great material compiled by one of the most experienced posters.




Just a reminder - for a decision of this importance, do not restrict yourself to the SF area. There are a number of reputable coalition doctors in your general area - get several opinions.


Feel free to ask any questions. We are all here to help.



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Welcome to our community. I think you found this place at the right time. As you have already noticed, many people who have gone to MHR have not been satisfied with the results they have achieved.


Before I talk to you about hair transplantation, I have a few questions for you:


1. What level are you on the Norwood scale of hair loss? If you don't know, do a search for "Norwood scale" and you will see picture diagrams and you can select the one that best fits you?


2. Are you on any medication to stop future hairloss such as finasteride and/or minoxodil? Hair transplantation is NOT a cure for baldness...it is a surgical procedure to move hair from one area of your scalp to another. It's important for somebody so young that if you want to keep any remaining "native hair" that is, natural hair that you have, to get on medication to stop/slow down the loss and maybe even regrow some hair.


3. What is your family pattern of hair loss on both your mother and father's side? Though hair loss IS unpredictable, you can at least use the overall picture as a guide of sorts in determining where you MIGHT indeed fall.


4. Do you have any pictures you can post for us of your hair loss situation? This will help us to gauge how many grafts you MIGHT need in the event you are a candidate for a hair transplant


But before you think about hair transplantation, I would get on finasteride for at least 6 months to a year since it takes about this long to determine if the medication is working. If you don't lose more hair, it's working.


After that, consider consulting with one of our coalition surgeons http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp who have proven consistent and positive results.


But do your homework...don't take any one person's word for it. Research and find a doctor that has a proven track record and one you are impressed with. Ask questions if you are uncertain and get people's feedback.


Please don't let your emotions rush you into a decision. Take your time, learn, and educate yourself. An educated patient becomes a satisfied patient.



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Hi Bill,

To answer your questions:

1. I looked at the diagram and i'd say i'm a 4 on the scale

2. I am not on any medication right now.

3. My father starting losing his hair early and it isn't completely gone now (he is 60) but he doesn't have much left.

4. I don;t have a digital camera so i can't post a pic. the MHR doc said I needed 2,000.


I am getting anxious because I recently started using toppik and I think its made my hair fall out faster, is that possible? All of a sudden my thin hairline is almost completely gone and i'm scared I won't be able to use toppik to thicken it because they'll be nothing left to thicken.


I would like to consult with someone but it would be easier for me to consult with someone in the SF area because of my job. the only doctor on the list in my area is closing his offices until late June. I know, I know, I should not rush into this, but my hairline is vanishing!


How can I find other reputable/qualified doctors to go speak to in my area? They can at least prescribe me propecia, give me solid advice, andmost of all piece of mind to be patient.





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I would consult with one of the coalition doctors (link provided in my last post) rather than going to MHR. If you research MHR on this community and others, you will see that many people are less than satisfied with their results.


In all honesty, being a NW4, you will most likely need between 4000-5000 grafts to give you decent coverage and density creating the illusion of a "full" look. 2000 won't be enough.


HOWEVER...I wouldn't consider a transplant at this time until you have been on finasteride for at least 6 months to a year. Because you are still losing hair, it is important that you get your hairloss under control.


If you can borrow a digital camera or have someone take pictures of your condition, we can give you more accurate information.


If you are certain NOT to leave the CA area to find a transplant doctor...at the very least for consultations, definiately considering consuling with:


William R. Rassman, MD.

9911 W. Pico Blvd.

Los Angeles


Tel: 1-800-New-Hair




William Reed, M.D

6515 La Jolla Blvd

La Jolla


Tel:Toll Free: 1-888-818-LJHR (5547)


I'll warn you up front that Dr. Rassman is on the expensive side (almost double what other doctor's charge) and I've had some reservations about him based on a couple cases I've seen and his donor closure method.


I also haven't seen much from Dr. Reed, personally, but I have faith in this community and this community stands behind both doctors as doing solid work. At the very least, they can help you develop a long term plan.


You can ALSO do online consultations with most clinics...so consider that as well.


By the way...you do NOT have to get a prescription for Propecia from an HT doc...you can go to your general practioner for that.


Hope this helps.



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  • Regular Member

Thank you very much for your help. I'll ask my doc for a prescription immediately.

I am so glad I found this website before i panicked and went to MHR.


have you ever heard of toppik causing more hair loss? Or do you think i am just going through a shedding episode?

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Toppik will not increase hairloss, however, since terminal hairs are fragile, constant brushing, combing, etc. could cause the hair to come out faster. But unfortunately, these hairs would have fallen out anyway. That's why finasteride is an important consideration for slowing down/stopping hair loss.



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  • Regular Member

I would get a consultation with Dr. Rosanelli in San Francisco. I had one with him and Dr. Rassman in San Jose. I had my procdure with Rosanelli.

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I can't say I'm familiar with Dr. Rosanelli. He is not on the coalition nor on the recommended list at the Hair Transplant Network, however, we'd love to hear about your experience and see pictures of your transition if you are willing to share.





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Do me a favor and be extra cautious when choosing a doctor. Consult with whoever you want, but I hope you won't choose a doctor unless you have researched and seen a number of patient photos (not just photos posted by a clinic) from that particular doctor. This is a very GENERAL statement and is not meant to discourage you from considering other doctors. But many people choose a doctor out of location convenience and later are sorry. Ultimately, I feel it's better to go for a sure thing than to gamble. It costs a lot of money so you might as well get it right the first time. And even worse...money can be made, but you have a limited donor supply that will not grow back.



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  • Senior Member

Hey Abdi,


Just say your post, my dad had a procedure with Dr. Tom Rosanelli his is a very good person and surgeon honest and real. I however went to Dr. Victor Hasson all the way in Vancouver. Both are ethical and dedicated, however if you ask my mother she would say go to Vancouver!


good luck and if you choose Dr.R... assuming you have realistic expectations..you will be in good hands.



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I would never go to a doctor outside the coalition. Why risk it? there are about 10 docs on here you hear over and over again with superior, doctumented results..


You are risking your head if you go elsewhere



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Would your dad be willing to post his before/after photos? icon_wink.gif


It seems most people here aren't familiar with this doctor and we'd love to have some real results being displayed from him if he is willing.




I agree with you regarding the coalition doctors. The coalition, however, is a changing entity where new doctors MIGHT be added and some MIGHT be taken away. Read on...


So learning about new doctors is definiately a plus...however, when it comes down to decision time...I personally would stick to not only the coalition doctors, but a coaltion doctor who's results that I've SEEN through MANY before/progress/after pictures posted not only by the clinic, but REAL patients. Consistency is key! I am sure we agree on this...but I thought I'd add my two cents icon_wink.gif





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Yes, I would recommend traveling to H&W for a consult.


What is the harm?


In addition, I said this before--- enough of the recommendations without pics!!!!


Tam-- please post some pics or see if you can contact your doc for some good before and afters.


We try to limit the "unknowns" and streamline the research process as much as possible here, all for the benefit of US.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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