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Hair Loss Q&A Blog Article: I Don't Care What I Look Like When I'm Older...Can I Get a Hair Transplant Now?

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I Don't Care What I Look Like When I'm Older...Can I Get a Hair Transplant Now?






I'm 18 and losing my hair. I have read that it's not advisable for a young person to have a hair transplant because of the likelihood of future hair loss. I'm honestly not too concerned about being bald when I'm older. It's a pretty normal thing, and it wouldn't bother me very much. So can't I have a hair transplant now?


Answer by Bill:


A common misconception that many young people have is that they won't care if they are bald or balding when they are older. Often times young hair loss sufferers use this as a reason for short term gratification rather than planning for the long term.


Sadly, there are hair transplant doctors out there that will be happy to take the money of an 18 year old even if it is not in the hair transplant patient's best interest.


Certainly there can be cases that can be made for younger hair transplant candidates however those with minimal hair loss at a young age are at high risk. For technical reasons why young people typically are not good candidates click here. Using the "find" feature of our hair restoration discussion forum can also prove to be beneficial to research.


Trust me when I say that you will care what you look like when you are older and you will care if you lose more hair.


Believe me when I say I'm not trying to dismiss or undermine the feelings or desire of a younger person who wants to restore their hair. I started losing hair when I was 22 years old and back then, I desperately wanted to fill in that little bald spot in my crown that was forming. Several years later I could only wish that I could go back to the days that I only had one small balding area. If I had it my way there'd already be a hair loss cure. Sadly however, there is not at the time this article was written.


So it comes down to planning for the long term as to what is in the hair loss sufferer's best interest. Hair transplantation is certainly not out of the question as an eventual option. But may I warn young people to proceed with extreme caution.


See also: Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?


Best wishes,



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This article can also be found on our Hair Loss Q&A Blog that is always available as an online resource. Questions are answered and published every day!


I Don't Care What I Look Like When I'm Older...Can I Get a Hair Transplant Now?






I'm 18 and losing my hair. I have read that it's not advisable for a young person to have a hair transplant because of the likelihood of future hair loss. I'm honestly not too concerned about being bald when I'm older. It's a pretty normal thing, and it wouldn't bother me very much. So can't I have a hair transplant now?


Answer by Bill:


A common misconception that many young people have is that they won't care if they are bald or balding when they are older. Often times young hair loss sufferers use this as a reason for short term gratification rather than planning for the long term.


Sadly, there are hair transplant doctors out there that will be happy to take the money of an 18 year old even if it is not in the hair transplant patient's best interest.


Certainly there can be cases that can be made for younger hair transplant candidates however those with minimal hair loss at a young age are at high risk. For technical reasons why young people typically are not good candidates click here. Using the "find" feature of our hair restoration discussion forum can also prove to be beneficial to research.


Trust me when I say that you will care what you look like when you are older and you will care if you lose more hair.


Believe me when I say I'm not trying to dismiss or undermine the feelings or desire of a younger person who wants to restore their hair. I started losing hair when I was 22 years old and back then, I desperately wanted to fill in that little bald spot in my crown that was forming. Several years later I could only wish that I could go back to the days that I only had one small balding area. If I had it my way there'd already be a hair loss cure. Sadly however, there is not at the time this article was written.


So it comes down to planning for the long term as to what is in the hair loss sufferer's best interest. Hair transplantation is certainly not out of the question as an eventual option. But may I warn young people to proceed with extreme caution.


See also: Am I Too Young for a Hair Transplant?


Best wishes,



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