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Hair Multiplication


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Hi ,


Is Hair Multiplication a reality now?

I came across this site while browsing!



Can any of you shed some light on this please. Does this mean we can have full head of hair with this?


As you can see there are already few pre/post op pics attached in that page. Is this a refined version of Dr. GHO's findings?




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Be VERY skeptical.


I've seen this website before. I actually sent them a consultation request online once to get more information about this the last time someone brought up this website and I never heard back from them.


This site mentions "hair multiplication" a number of times but it looks like FUE to me.


There language is VERY sneaky. They mention stem cells and multiplication but notice they don't talk about actualy cloning the cells anywhere.


Instead, they state the are extracting "part" of the hair follicle (I'm not sure what they mean here) and then transplanting it in the recipient area. They state that the the part of the follicle that remains will regrow hair and the part that is transplanted will also grow hair.


From all my reading, if they are indeed talking about dividing an individual hair follicle and not simply a follicular unit - the hair(s) would be damaged and wouldn't grow in either place.


But from the pictures - they are using FUE to extract "part" of the hair follicle (by that I wonder if they mean 1 or 2 hairs of a 3 or 4 follicular unit bundle).


If they are simply using FUE - the fact that the donor area appears without scarring is no surprise. Though FUE is not a scarless procedure, when done correctly - even up to 7000 grafts (depending on hair characteristics) can be extracted over multiple sessions without noticable scarring.


I would figure if one can really obtain a full head of hair with their method that their before/after pictures would look a LOT more impressive!



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  • 2 weeks later...


Have got to agree with Bill.

At the very best, "splitting" a follicle will simply yield two weaker hairs, and that in itself

would not be a consistently reproducible result.

I have seen this "procedure" and it's description from another post regarding another website with similar claims, (in the Netherlands, I believe),and I must say that my impression is that the claims are all in that "shady" zone of less-than-full disclosure.

As for what they do show, it most closely approximates a simple FUE procedure. As I said, were they to extract "partial" hair follicles there will be consequential growth and survival issues (Graft and Donor) which, in my opinion, would limit the viability of this as an effective and/or prudent procedure.

Hope this helps-




Timothy Carman, MD

La Jolla, California

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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