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Guest bro66

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Guest bro66

I'm at the 4th month past my 2nd HT, about 3200 graphs all together. I am still experiencing soreness, and tenderness at this point. I don't remember this much pain from the first HT. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Is there anything I could use to help speed up the healing and help with the pain? icon_frown.gif

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Guest bro66

I'm at the 4th month past my 2nd HT, about 3200 graphs all together. I am still experiencing soreness, and tenderness at this point. I don't remember this much pain from the first HT. Is this normal? Should I be worried? Is there anything I could use to help speed up the healing and help with the pain? icon_frown.gif

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  • Senior Member

Hopefully it will get better.Who was the Doctor? He may have been running late to the bank and cut too deep.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Can you provide pictures?


Who is your doctor and have you been in touch with him/her?


Do you have redness, itching, or any other problems aside from pain?


Please advise.



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Guest bro66

sorry, no pics.


yes, i've been in for my follow-up, doc said everything was normal.


yes, i got some itching and redness. i seem to have more of the pain when i work-out.

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Pain this far along does seem a bit unusual.


As far as redness is concerned, you might try aloe vera gel and a high aloe vera content shampoo.


This might also help with the itching. If not, I have used a topical corticosteroid (Valisone)which really seemed to calm the itching.



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Guest bro66

yes, i did my research. this is my second HT from dr. conti, didn't have any problems before, don't remember it taking this long to heal. he also removed the scar from the first HT. been putting neosporian cream on it for a couple of days, and it seems to be getting better.

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  • Senior Member

Could be your overdoing it a bit physically Bro'


However, it could also be that your having some issues fully healing, which is no fun.


I would suggest traveling to someone well respected to have look see if possible.


A dose of anti-biotics might be all you need.


In addition,

I would suggest you really research your doctor if and when you decide to go for another transplant.


I hope you feel better soon,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Guest bro66

yeah, i felt okay until i started back working out on a regular basis. my doc also said the enternal stitches take a little longer to heal.

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I just did a search in the archives & found my answer.

As with every other aspect of a ht, it seems that donor tenderness varies with each patient.


By the way there is alot of info in the archives to tap into.

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Guest bro66

thanks, i wasnt sure how to answer. seems when i workout a lot, press on it, or wear my hat too tight it feels sore. im not working out this week, just to see if that makes a difference. if not, i will contact my doc.

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Hey bro, I did some heavy lifting this last week (not weights) and the donor area is a little soar from that.

I know it is hard but it is probaby best not to push it when working out.

Try isometrics, they don't put as much strain on yur neck/skull.

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I'd say as long as the donor area looks ok (no infections, etc.), a certain amount of tenderness can be normal. Itching is definitely normal as well. Consider using Aloe or something on the scar to help with the itching.


I agree that consulting a well respected doctor just to check things out is not a bad idea.



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Hi bro66, I'm six months post-op from Dr Shapiro and my donor area is still tender. Is the pain you mention a constant pain without movement or do you feel discomfort during or after only certain movements like weighlifting? I think you should consider tenderness quite normal and even occasional pain during movement. I believe nerves are still regenerating and the donor area is still healing. If your doc says everything is ok and you trust him/her, I'd stop worrying. Did you have someone else take a peek at the donor area for you? I'd want to make sure the pressure or pain you're feeling is not related to tightness in the donor area. Has the scar stretched? I really don't know if that's a possibility at this point but perhaps someone else could chime in and provide some idea on that subject.

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I am exactly 60 days post op from Dr. Hasson. The precise donor scar area is only slightly tender to the touch but hardly noticeable. However, I do have an area on the upper back portion of my scalp that hurts like hell to the touch still. Lets call it a circular area about 2 inches in diameter for simplicity's sake. It hurts to touch it; to wash or massage the area around with my fingers; even the shower spray hurts it. VERY uncomfortable. Why? Dunno. My wife (ER nurse) says it is simply the trauma from surgery; nerves were damaged and are slowly growing back and are sensative. For a long time I had that painful sensation all over my head when I just lightly rubbed my hand across my hair. That sucked. It was like that raw skin feeling you get when you have a bad flu/fever or something. Most all of that is gone and I'm just left with that one area.


I am also beginning to get the feeling back in the recipient area little by little. Kind of sucks because the itching is driving me crazy! Feel an itch in a certain spot but can't scratch it because you can't find it!! Annoying. If it numb then why does it itch!!?? Oh well, wortj it in the long run I hope. Anyway, your situation seems pretty normal.

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Guest bro66

yeah, most of the pain is when i move alot(after doing cardio mostly), or when i lift something heavy. i probably still got a lot of healing to do, still got numbness in some areas.

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