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Grey hair after HT

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  • Regular Member

As I mentioned in my earlier posts I had HT done in July last week. After 4 weeks or so, I observed bunch of grey hairs among native hairs but not in transplanted area.


I am 36 but did not have any grey hair so far, but all of the sudden after 4 weeks of HT, I observed quite a few in native hair area. This might be not related to HT, but since it happened after HT I was little worried, it might be just an age factor.


Has anyone experienced similar kind of problem, please let me know.

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  • Regular Member

As I mentioned in my earlier posts I had HT done in July last week. After 4 weeks or so, I observed bunch of grey hairs among native hairs but not in transplanted area.


I am 36 but did not have any grey hair so far, but all of the sudden after 4 weeks of HT, I observed quite a few in native hair area. This might be not related to HT, but since it happened after HT I was little worried, it might be just an age factor.


Has anyone experienced similar kind of problem, please let me know.

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I imagine this is most likely a coincidence though I've heard cases of extreme stress causing premature gray hair. But it's normal for men in their 30s, and even 20s (I can't remember how old you are) to start developing gray hair.


Thankfully, I haven't seen any on my head yet, but I imagine it's coming since I appear to have one or two gray eyebrow hairs now.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I have researched that sometimes if your hair follicle is predisposed to turning gray, that transplanting it might speed up the process but I dont think this has been scientific validated. I will say, I know of some patients personally who have experienced this.

Zinc with B6 is suppose to help slow down graying????



Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Palmetto

Nioxin Shampoo

Zrii 3oz daily

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