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Has anyone ever gotten money back due to no growth?


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I am going on 10 months now from a HT in Atlanta by a respected doctor. The work was done out of an MHR office. The doctor is no longer with MHR. I have voiced my concerns with MHR and they say they stand by their work. They want me to wait a full year and then will either refund $'s or do more work. Just wondering if anyone has had the same situation come up?

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  • Senior Member

I am going on 10 months now from a HT in Atlanta by a respected doctor. The work was done out of an MHR office. The doctor is no longer with MHR. I have voiced my concerns with MHR and they say they stand by their work. They want me to wait a full year and then will either refund $'s or do more work. Just wondering if anyone has had the same situation come up?

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Sorry to tell you this but all the bigger clinics(MHR, Bosley, Nuhart, ect..) have a no refunds policy. They will however offer you a free or discounted procedure. You then are stuck between a rock and a hardplace, they have already wasted your precious donor hair and you will have to pay full price if you go some place else. I hope you are a delayed growth patient ( give it a year), even if you end up with only partial growth I suggest going to a reputable doc listed on this site or the IAHRS site. I was in the same situation as you, poor growth after 1685 graphs, I opted to go back to Bosley for 950 graphs at half price. If I had the chance again I would have paid full price for the best surgeon. You have to live with the results for life so saving a few bucks really doesnt make sense....Good Luck and hang in there.

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JohnH. I read of few of your previous posts and you stated that you were pleased with your results from Dr.Kohler of MHR. Well what happened? Did the hair start coming in then fall out?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for the information about slow growth. Here is a quick version of what has happened to me at MHR. I had 2 sessions there. The first was with Dr. Koher who did a great job. I was so pleased that I went back but a different doctor was there. He never mentioned FUs but I believe that he did use that technique. I have had several sessions over the years and always got results within about 3-4 months. But this last session I am not sure if any growth has occurred. For a while I was checking almost daily but now that it has been 11 months, it's really hard to tell. Overall, the results are either not in yet or poor at best. I don't want to mention the other doctor's name as he is supposedly highly rated here in Atlanta. I plan to go back to Dr. Koher in North Carolina for future work. He gave me hair line work that looks totally natural.

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Obviously I am not an attorney, so what is the reason for not naming the Dr's name?


I mean, if you can post before and after pictures that show no growth or very poor growth for the number of grafts you supposedly received, what is the fear? Now if you just don't like someone's personality but the work they did was acceptable, I imagine you could have problems.


In my opinion, the bottom line is that you are here getting help/advice from all of us, I think you could reciprocate the favor and provide some advice in prevention that would be VERY much valued by anyone considering this clinic.

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It isn't against the law to name a doctor due to "poor growth". That term is so vague, no one could hold anything to anyone. We are on an anonymous forum.

You aren't even saying that you thought the doctor did poorly -- just that your regrowth has not met your expectations. That is hardly offensive to anyone.

Your call -- put the group is about sharing info. Not so much about worrying about what some random doctor might think about what you posted.



Knowledge is Power

If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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my original post was regarding whether anyone had either gotten money back or free work from MHR if they weren't pleased. BurnedByBos gave a good answer to my question. I'll post more info here as things unfold. In August it will have been a full year. MHR has said that they stand by their work, so we'll see what happens.

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  • 1 month later...
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Well, MHR is wafling on the poor results I got from the last HT. The current doctor actually claims that the grafts came in but that I have lost more hair (my hair loss has slowed down quite a bit in the last couple of years). He put me under a magnifying scope and we could both see grafts with no hairs growing out of them. Yet he insisted that the new hair came in but that I have lost an equal amount and have sort of broke even. This is the 3rd time I have had a follow up where I pointed out the scoped grafts with no hairs coming out of them. They change the subject every time and then take more pictures of my head.


I've decided to get some more work done in the crown area by Dr. Koher. I was hoping to report that MHR offered to stand behind their work and give me another session at a substantial discount. But this didn't happen. Maybe I should have gotten nasty but I don't like conflict.


So, tomorrow I go under the stinging needle once again.

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John H,


You may not have gotten a refund but MHR is sure going to lose enough money in the long run from this type publicity that, in the long run, they will wish they would have given you a refund AND extra money to go elsewhere for a repair/replacement HT.


Prime example of not seeing the big picture.


Even if just one guy reads this type post and changes his mind about going to MHR they have already lost money due to YOU.


Good Luck!

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I just got back from the most incredible HT session I have ever had. I did have to drive 5 hours to get from Atlanta GA to High Point NC which made for a long day. But Dr. Koher's staff is so professional and courteous that it was well worth it.

Also, Dr Koher gives you a bottle of Graftcyte. How much is MHR charging for it? This session went so much better than the previous one at MHR that I am really sorry that I didn't trust my instincts last year. I guess it was mainly because of the convenience of MHR having an office in Atlanta versus having to drive to NC.

I highly recommend him as an HT doctor. The 5 hour drive is nothing - knowing that good work is going to be done for your hard earned money.

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