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fue transplant

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thanks for the reply smoothy.

the reason i want to know how many hours it would take is i had 1000 fue done which took approx 4 to 5 hours.

i feel this was rather quick so i had 2 people count the donor & recipient areas and they both counted between 600-650 transplants which is far less than 1000.

i emailed clinic 4 times for my before & after photos only to be told 2 weeks later the digital camera had broke so no pictures available.

i have emailed them a few more times asking for a breakdown of how many follicles were transplanted into each area of my head.

9 weeks later i am still waiting.

any of you guys got any info as to what i should try next.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Hi Chuck,

I had a similiar issue with my first HT where the doc forgot to take "BEFORE" pictures!!! and I nowquestion the fact that 1500 grafts grew in which was a guarantee or the next ones for free. Anyway do you guys feel I should make a stink about this? shouldn't I be owed something? I had no choice but to go through a second procedure but had to pay full price!

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  • Senior Member

hi eric

these people did take my photos,they know i am p----ed off with them and they are trying to fob me off

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I want to add my two cents and experience to those trying to weigh the pros and cons of FUE versus strip excision.


I have followed this FUE procedure's development and promotion from early on and I have created video and written content to the Hair Loss Learning Center about this FUE procedure (to see this FUE information, click here). I even considered having it performed my self last year when I did surgery with Dr. Paul Rose.


But in my opinion, when all the pros and cons are calculated, the FUE procedure is over rated, over hyped and no where close to being a substitute for the ultra refined follicular unit strip excision procedure now being performed by leading physicians.


The FUE procedure is really a child of Internet promotion. It was introduced several years ago not to the medical hair restoration community, where it could be tested and shared with other surgeons, but rather on the Internet where it was heavily promoted.


Yet myself and many others, including many physicians had numerous reservations about this untested and unknown procedure such as the rate of transaction (severing/damaging) of the follicles being extracted sight unseen under the skin using small punches. Also evidence of the growth/success rate of this procedure is still lacking, despite heavily promoted but unsubstantiated claims.


In addition, this procedure was by no means "scarless" as the actual cumulative surface scaring in the donor area of hundreds of little punch holes is considerably more than one long and typically thin donor scar resulting from strip excision. In some cases the FUE procedure can even produce donor areas that have a thinned out mouth eaten look.


Today the many leading hair restoration physicians who did not jump on the FUE band wagon have continued to refine their follicular unit strip excision procedure. Today, leading surgeons are very careful to use double closure techniques (using internal and superficial external sutures) that now close the donor area under minimal tension. They also typically are taking donor tissue in longer more narrow strips to minimize potential tension. These advances in strip excision donor closure make this procedure ideal for maximizing patient graft yield efficiently and cost effectively, while minimizing the actual cosmetic scarring in the donor area.


Based on all the evidence I have seen and having worked and promoted physicians offer both FUE and strip excision surgery, I believe that the FUE procedure is no where close to being a viable replacement to state of the art strip excision surgery.


I do believe that the FUE surgery does have the advantage of more rapid healing in the donor area. In addition, it may be a viable option for those who want to only do limited grafting in small areas.

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