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What is the best way of researching a doctor?

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I am a 27 year old male and I have been thinning since I was 19. I am losing my hair in the front and it is thinning on top (not the vertex). I think I am around a 3. Some of my uncles on my mom's side are pretty bald (5 or so).


I just started to take Propecia about 2.5 months ago. Prior to that, I was on Rogaine. So far, I do not notice any benefit.


I think I may be able to hold out for a few years, but would like to do some research. What are the best journals or magazines to get a good idea on hair transplant experts? I have gone for a free consultation (of course they say I am a good expert). Do you recommned going for free advice or is it a waste of time?


Thanks for the help.

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I am a 27 year old male and I have been thinning since I was 19. I am losing my hair in the front and it is thinning on top (not the vertex). I think I am around a 3. Some of my uncles on my mom's side are pretty bald (5 or so).


I just started to take Propecia about 2.5 months ago. Prior to that, I was on Rogaine. So far, I do not notice any benefit.


I think I may be able to hold out for a few years, but would like to do some research. What are the best journals or magazines to get a good idea on hair transplant experts? I have gone for a free consultation (of course they say I am a good expert). Do you recommned going for free advice or is it a waste of time?


Thanks for the help.

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  • Senior Member

You should consider using Propecia and Minoxidl together. By combining their use, you should be able to get better results than if you used them alone. Also, consider adding Lysine to your routine, which may make those drugs more effective.


As far as doing research, I think you can do a lot of legwork on the internet. This site has lots of good info. Read "The Best Procedure" and consider reading the articles in the Research Library. They are a little technical but very good. Other sites with good articles and forums are www.TheBaldTruth.com and www.HairlossHelp.com. These sites cover drug therapy (like Propecia) a little more thoroughly than this site, and you may find them useful. If you want to research different doctors, try looking at Pat's list of recommended doctors, and the recommended list at The Bald Truth. Then find these doctors' websites, and read up on them. Also, do searches on the docs you are interested in, in the forums of the websites I mentioned, to get comments and feedback from real patients who have had experience. There is a lot of reading, but this is the way to go. Right now, I would not suggest visiting any clinics. For one thing, most doctors don't have time to explain everything you need to know, in order to make an "informed decision". Since you are more interested in learning about the field for possible future procedures, it is premature to start meeting doctors. Learn about the field, and find out which doctors seem like the best choices. If you are still interested in pursuing a hair transplant in the future, then you can start trying to interview prospective surgeons. First though, learn as much as you can by using the internet.


And by the way, 2 or 3 months is not enough time to decide if a drug therapy is working for your hair. Most people say to give Propecia a year of consistent use, to decide if you want to continue. If you are able to halt your hairloss, it is worth staying on it, and this seems like a reasonable goal.

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maryland -

Like arfy says, give the propecia more time. At 27, you have a long way to go before you know exactly what your pattern is going to look like, which is important to getting a good result from HT in the long term. My recommendation would be to get as much info from all the web sites and people who have had HT, then start checking out some doctors. But, because of your age you should take your time.


Dang, I wish I was 27 again!

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