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Its been sometime that I have been visiting this forum and reading posts...I really wanna thank people who are responsible for this forum..I have got a hereditary baldness as my brother 32 yrs old, completely bald and he shaves his head...I started loosing hair by the age of 20 and started using minioxidil.I have been using it for 2-3 yrs old and am happy with the results...but lately my hair on the crown is thinning as i use minioxidil only once...i used take finistride but stopped it...i think i still have time for a HT...and really wanna protect the hair that I have now...hope u guys would help me..Also I am looking for a good doctor who can help me save the hair that I have...I stay in Mumbai, India and am 25 yrs old...Awaiting someone to reply...




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  • Regular Member


Its been sometime that I have been visiting this forum and reading posts...I really wanna thank people who are responsible for this forum..I have got a hereditary baldness as my brother 32 yrs old, completely bald and he shaves his head...I started loosing hair by the age of 20 and started using minioxidil.I have been using it for 2-3 yrs old and am happy with the results...but lately my hair on the crown is thinning as i use minioxidil only once...i used take finistride but stopped it...i think i still have time for a HT...and really wanna protect the hair that I have now...hope u guys would help me..Also I am looking for a good doctor who can help me save the hair that I have...I stay in Mumbai, India and am 25 yrs old...Awaiting someone to reply...




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Welcome to our community.


Just wondering...why did you stop taking finasteride?


The finasteride/minoxodil combo is the best line of defense you have against preventing future loss.


Hair transplantation is not a means to prevent hair loss. It is a surgical procedure which moves hair from one part of the scalp (the sides and back of your head called the "safe zone") to the balding areas (called the recipient area).


Depending on your age and level of loss you may or may not be a good candidate for a hair transplant.


I encourage you to read the following threads:


What to consider when researching hair transplantation


Am I too young for a hair transplant


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Hi Bill,


First of all I really wanna thank everyone who is responsible for this forum..u,pat and others involved...This forum is really helpful and I am really happy that I got to know abt this forum...i stopped finasteride coz my earlier doc was scared of the side effects considering my age...i have started consulting Dr.Rajesh Rajput who gives combinations of medicines which have zinc,ammino acids,iron and minerals along with finestride...i also use minoxidil...I know that Dr.Rajput does not have a good reputation on this forum..I did read Sahil's post..My present situtaion is that I am not a candidate for HT since I have hair..The hair on the crown is thinning. I would like to save the Hair that I have now so that I do not have to go for HT..I am trying Dr.Rajput's medicines...let c if it works for me..wat do u suggest...would medicines help me save my hair..Would u be able to suggest some doc who could help me save my hair...





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From all the info I have read on this forum in the last year or so the only three truly proven meds are finasteride (brand nameicon_razz.gifropecia), duasteride (Brand Name: Avodart -I think-), and minoxidil (Popular Brand name: rogaine). You ll get great advice from some of these guys, you are in the right place. If all else fails get a second doc to look at your situation. Good Luck!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks bro....i am using minioxidil and finasteride....i have heard abt duasteride but have also heard that FDA has not approved it...i may be wrong also...wat i love abt this forum is that people r interested in helping u out...i really feel happy that now i can speak, take advice and who knows educate others abt hair loss and HT...so Arrie, have u undergone HT...

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  • Senior Member


Yeah I am a 25 year old male with mpb started about age 20. If I didn't follow my inner voice a few years back I woulld of ended up in a "hair Mill" (not mentioning names but you can guess). I am 5 days post op from Dr. Ron Shapiro, and let me tell you this has been a really pleasant healing experience. I take Propecia 1 mg daily and rogaine foam 5% twice a day (have to wait on the rogaine for another week or so due to surgery instructions). Listen to these guys on this forum they know their stuff and will ive everyone honest replies. Its great to have this at our disposal, we are as lucky as hair loss sufferers could be having this site and great docs to choose from. Duasterude has not passed trials for hair loss but is being already perscribed for enlarged prostates. If your primary care physician won't prescribe it I think some of the coalition and other hair docs will.. I hope this helps

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Dudasteride (Avodart - you are right Arrie icon_smile.gif) is not FDA approved for hair loss - however it the science behind it is very similar to Propecia and is speculated to be a stronger treatment. But without proper testing - it has not been proven.


To learn more about Avodart verses Propecia, click here.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member


Actually I can get away with me styling my hair (pre-op) and people not notice me horrible hairline. I went through the HT process because it finally got to the point that when the wind blew, or I was sweaty from the gym you could see my thinning. Plus if the meds don't work i will probably end up a NW5or6 so I am slowly keeping ahead of it, Do I still have a good amount of hair?, yes. I just didn't like the fact that every morning I would wake up and it would bother me, especially only being 25. I am lucky though people do have it worse. As far as price goes I am pretty new to posting and I don't want to upset anyone by posting financial numbers on a public thread, i don't know if thats against the rules. Private text me and I can hopefully shed some light on that for you.

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