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My hair is going gone


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Now I know you guys heard this a thousand times before, but im getting really agitated at the fact that i am balding.


I think i started balding around 8th grade. I used to sit and weave my hands through my hair in class and i would see 3-4 hairs fall out everytime.


by about 9th grade i started noticing that i was actually balding.


skip to 12th grade and i know i am balding.


My hair is the usual U shaped baldness. Its really really thin, i can see my scalp for gods sake, and have been able to for 3 years now. It has got more worse and worse everyday. Im 18 now, and im pretty sure i will be bald by 21.


I was wondering is there any way to stop this? i mean, ive called some places and they want 1000 per visit. I cant do that. Nor any other 18 year old. So is there anything i can do about it? Or am i going through some kind of phase?

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Now I know you guys heard this a thousand times before, but im getting really agitated at the fact that i am balding.


I think i started balding around 8th grade. I used to sit and weave my hands through my hair in class and i would see 3-4 hairs fall out everytime.


by about 9th grade i started noticing that i was actually balding.


skip to 12th grade and i know i am balding.


My hair is the usual U shaped baldness. Its really really thin, i can see my scalp for gods sake, and have been able to for 3 years now. It has got more worse and worse everyday. Im 18 now, and im pretty sure i will be bald by 21.


I was wondering is there any way to stop this? i mean, ive called some places and they want 1000 per visit. I cant do that. Nor any other 18 year old. So is there anything i can do about it? Or am i going through some kind of phase?

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Save your money; it sounds like you are experiencing typical androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness).


Unfortunately there is no hair loss cure, and male pattern baldness is progressive which means that it will most likely continue, especially since you started losing hair at such a young age. But proven treatments like Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil) have a high success rate at slowing down, stopping, or even reversing the hair loss process. Propecia and Rogaine work much better in areas of thinning hair than in completely bald areas. Only hair transplant surgery is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. But surgical hair restoration does nothing to stop the progression of male pattern baldness like non-surgical hair loss medication.


This is why often times, patient members of this forum try medication first, and then get a hair transplant to fill in balding areas while remaining on medication to minimize future hair fall out.


I hope this helps get you started in your research.


Best wishes,



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Guest wanthairs

want to know----


I just wanted to say, I know how you feel. I was bald by the time I was 19. I have to say though, although it was a terrible blow to my confidence, it did not stop me from having a good life. At my ripe old age of 37 i have a good decent loking head of hair with one procedure and a very good one coming up soon. Just think. you are very lucky in terms that you can restore a very good looking head of hair with todays transplants. Get on the meds that Bill recommended right now. Quit smoking , drinking and keep as healthy as possible to help matters.....And dont worry. Even if you lost it all tommorrow, there are Dr's out there who can do an amazing job of putting alot of it back....


There is hope----either way----this thinning scalp of yours is temporary.

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  • Regular Member

Before going on medication be sure to check websites like propeciahelp.com I am in the same boat as you.. I am 18 and going bald quite rapidly as well. I have decided against propecia because the side affects seem to be much worse than the website states. And at 18 I'd rather have no hair than sexual impotence.

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