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Partial numbness

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  • Regular Member

I posted earlier regarding slow growth. I failed to mention that I am still experiencing some numbness. I would say around 15% overall. Doe's anyone know if this can cause slow growth.


I am at the 7 month stage. Thanks

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  • Regular Member

I posted earlier regarding slow growth. I failed to mention that I am still experiencing some numbness. I would say around 15% overall. Doe's anyone know if this can cause slow growth.


I am at the 7 month stage. Thanks

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  • Senior Member

It doesn't slow the growth- And it should keep fading away- I had a little numbness even at 14 months post op. (in an area the size of a quarter) I'm at 4 months from my 2nd surgery and I have less numbness now than I did at 14 months the 1st time. It's all different from person to person. When they cut you, they are cutting nerves... One thing you could do I suppose- I know that a good Vitamin B complex might help as B helps your nerves to heal and regrow. I know this for a fact. A while back I was taking Metabolife and Hydroxycut to lose weight. After taking it for a long period of time, suddenly I woke up one morning and my big toe was hanging down and I tripped over it. I went it for many testes, scans, electric shock tests... (great fun) Turns out that it wasn't the tendon or anything- It was nerve damage. The Doc told me to take a multi vitamin with big time B vitamins. He told me that it helps to repair and grow nerves which had been damaged. As soon as he said that, I had a flashback of the GNC gal telling me that Ephedrine based products can "rob" your body of B-vitamins. AHA!!!! I started taking GNC's "Megaman Gold" and after a couple of months I could move my toe again. I did research on the net later and looked up side effects of Ephedrine- One side effect was "nerve damage". When it happens, it starts at the extremes of your body. What's more extreme than your big toe?


Sorry- Long story to say, "Vitamin B"! I think the mega vitamins have like 1000% of this, 2000% of that... and so on...

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Yes, after all of my HT I had numbness which last longer after each different HT. THe front recovers quicker than the donor area which nerves are cut and have to "rewire" themselves-- grow back which takes time. My last took about 2 yrs before 100% feeling came back.

Being an ex-pro athlete, I agree with vitamins/nutrients to help repair nerve damage. All the orthropedic doc recommend high doses of vitamin Zinc, C, and E along with multi. Also, it does good to massage the damage nerve area to stimulate nerve paths.

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As far as I know there has been no study that directly correlates the length of time a patient has temporary post operative numbness and the amount of time it takes for that same patients hair to start growing. I have had patients that had prolonged numbness (6-12 months) that started having significant hair growth at 3 months. On the other hand I have also had patients that experienced no post operative numbness and did not have any hair growth until 5-6 months after their procedure. The good thing is that in most cases full feeling returns and excellent hair growth occurs. Unfortunetly, we cannot put an exact time table on either one of these events.

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