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Travelling cover-up tips?

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I'll be travelling from Europe to the State for a HT, will only be there a few days post-up. I've read from this forums that its normal procedure for the donor area to be shaved down and for the HT area to appear reddish post-op.


I know its probably a stupid question. but for those who have had to returned though international air travel, what do you normally do to cover-up: hats, beanies, bandages ? I remember travelling once and a passenger a few people ahead of me being requested to remove his hat during the security area.


just was curious if theirs ways to avoid any embarrassment seeing thats why im getting a ht in the first place.

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I'll be travelling from Europe to the State for a HT, will only be there a few days post-up. I've read from this forums that its normal procedure for the donor area to be shaved down and for the HT area to appear reddish post-op.


I know its probably a stupid question. but for those who have had to returned though international air travel, what do you normally do to cover-up: hats, beanies, bandages ? I remember travelling once and a passenger a few people ahead of me being requested to remove his hat during the security area.


just was curious if theirs ways to avoid any embarrassment seeing thats why im getting a ht in the first place.

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  • Senior Member

i've never had a problem wearing a hat through security. I guess every airport has some of their own rules. I'd just go with the hat, if they ask you to take it off, tell them you had surgery on your scalp and request a private room to take your hat off or just pull it off right their and give a good scare to the security guard. You'll never see him again, who cares what he thinks.

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  • Regular Member

Also remember though that those grafts aren't set securely until a good week or so after the transplant. Be extra careful what kind of hat you use and make sure it doesn't touch the grafts.


No use in spending $10,000 to ruin it by wearing a hat through the airport so people you will never see again might stop and stare =p

Anything worth doing is never easy

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I was asked to remove my hat going in the aiport going back from Canada to the US.


I just removed it and let them know I had hair transplant surgery. It actually made for very interesting discussion and I knew full well that I would NEVER see any of them again.


You may be able to get away with a doctor's note, but you might just want to bite the bullet, take it off, tell them you had surgery, and put it back on. It only takes a minute and the curious stares don't last long.



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