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My first post

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Hey guys, nice community you have here. Im new to everything regarding hair loss, and this is my first post.


This is my story, i guess its not a very serious one, but everyone has a story.




About 3 years ago, hairloss and receding hairlines were concepts to me that i thought i would not have to understand or to think about for another 30 years.


But my teeth were always an issue growing up, and I was taking a confidence hit because of it. About 2 years ago, and when I was almost 24, i could finnaly afford braces. I jumped on the oportunity. I thought, finnaly I will have full confidence by the time in 26.


Somtime last year, I started to notice my hairline receding. I was so in denile about the issue that for a very long time I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me, that my worrying was causing me to think such things, so i shouldnt worry, and i always left it at that.


In the past few weeks ive been forced to accept that its becomming a problem, and even though it is not a very big one (receded about 1-1.5 inches, though its wide), it is getting worse.


I get my braces off in about 2 months time when I turn 26. I'm already lacking alot of confidence because of my hair issue.


This makes me think of a car, you fix your tires and spend alot of money doing that. everythings going to be fine now, worry free for as long as you want to think ahead, then the next day you find out your transmition is dying.



Day to day I use hair gell to style it, very little, much less then I used to. Im not sure if this will make things worse. For about a years time i used hair wax instead of gell. I heard it clogs hair poors so i stoped using it. Is this true?



Well i guess thats it for now. I guess i need to learn about prevention measures, and maybe reversal options.


Also what is a ballpark figure for a transplant in my situation?

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  • Senior Member

Welcome. A few things:


Look into getting on a three-pronged attack of propecia, rogaine foam 5%, revita (or nizoral) shampoo...this is also known as The Big Three...combined, it gives you your best shot at halting your loss and at regrowing hair...especially in the frontal region, stopping loss, let alone regrowth, is most difficult -- but, a combination of the aforementioned has done the trick for many. And, either way, you are giving yourself your best shot.


Right away, I would recommend trying different styling options that might adapt better to your newfound -- though unfortunately not intentional -- hair...often gel makes what hair you have appear thinner; try a wax or paste, perhaps, to boost the "illusions of density" (no doubt a phrase you will hear again).


As for an HT, it is impossible to say not knowing your level of hair loss, and how many grafts you require; but, also keep in mind that most likely you will require more than one procedure throughout your lifetime. Not a certainty, but a distinct possiblity.


All this aside, we all commiserate with you; and it reeks to be getting through one hurdle to only battle another. But, just remember "what doesn' kill you only makes you stronger", and focus on what you can to better yourself while not succumbing to excessive self-pity, deression, angst over your hairloss, which happens more than it should to too many people (myself included).


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Guest josh - b

hi mess,


Thana has given u good advice so i'm just reiterating what he said really.


U must get on the meds, especially finasteride.

It sounds like u have very minimal recession and its very likely you can halt this recession.

This is also the advice most ethical doctors will give you.

You're still quite young and if the meds work to keep your hair intact (which they should)then as time goes by your slightly receded look may cease to become an issue with you.


Just focus on how good your new braceless teeth will look.

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