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Predicting Genetic Hair Loss with HairDX

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Dear forum members,


You may or may not have heard some discussion in the media about a new way to predict genetic hair loss in men.


A company known as HairDX has created a test that can provide men with a genetic analysis of their risk for developing male pattern baldness.


The HairDX hair loss test examines tiny variances (SNPs) found in 95% of all bald men in genes responsible for receptor recognizing androgen hormones in the body. SNPs have been found to be associated with the development of the early onset of male pattern hair loss.


In theory, this test can be used as a risk management tool and help balding men work to treat baldness even before it begins. On the other hand, is a "positive" test encouraging young men to take risky medication such as Propecia (finasteride) at a time before its necessary?


Dr. Sharon Keene, a well respected and elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians who has been working with HairDX admits this test is not perfect and that there may be some reported "false positives" and "false negatives". Overall however, she believes that this can be used as a tool to help inform men of their potential risks ahead of time so that they can make informed decisions on when and which hair loss treatments to use. I'm inclined to agree.


Dr. Keene and I have collaborated on a more detailed article on this topic and it has been posted on our Hair Loss Q&A Blog. Read this blog/news article by clicking:


Predicting Hair Loss with HairDX.


Feel free to share your thoughts on this.


Best wishes,



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Dear forum members,


You may or may not have heard some discussion in the media about a new way to predict genetic hair loss in men.


A company known as HairDX has created a test that can provide men with a genetic analysis of their risk for developing male pattern baldness.


The HairDX hair loss test examines tiny variances (SNPs) found in 95% of all bald men in genes responsible for receptor recognizing androgen hormones in the body. SNPs have been found to be associated with the development of the early onset of male pattern hair loss.


In theory, this test can be used as a risk management tool and help balding men work to treat baldness even before it begins. On the other hand, is a "positive" test encouraging young men to take risky medication such as Propecia (finasteride) at a time before its necessary?


Dr. Sharon Keene, a well respected and elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians who has been working with HairDX admits this test is not perfect and that there may be some reported "false positives" and "false negatives". Overall however, she believes that this can be used as a tool to help inform men of their potential risks ahead of time so that they can make informed decisions on when and which hair loss treatments to use. I'm inclined to agree.


Dr. Keene and I have collaborated on a more detailed article on this topic and it has been posted on our Hair Loss Q&A Blog. Read this blog/news article by clicking:


Predicting Hair Loss with HairDX.


Feel free to share your thoughts on this.


Best wishes,



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The test is now for women too! I took it and I'm waiting for my results. For me, the test is worth it. Now, I feel that I am actively doing more vs. waiting for something to happen. I have tried to determine if my hair loss is due to stress, vitamin deficiency, etc, and soon I can rule in or rule out genetics. It may not be 100% but at least it will give me a clearer total picture!

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