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MHR again. What does this look like?

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  • Senior Member

Are the MHR and Bosley docs "franchisees" ? I've always been under the impression that they were employees of the organization and did not have any ownership of their individual office or clinic. Maybe some have sold their former private practice to the company. I know someone here will correct me if I'm wrong.



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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Bill:



I understand what you are saying.


This is why this community doesn't create a list of BAD doctors, but a list of known good ones.


Blanket statements may be dangerous, but one must consider the data. The majority of people who have posted on this and other communities who have actually had transplants with Bosley and MHR have been displeased. Seeing pictures of their results, one can certainly understand why.


None of this disputes the fact that there are probably SOME good doctors that work for Bosley and MHR. After all, a doctor has to start somewhere.


BUT...going to ANY unknown or dispreputable clinic is dangerous (even more dangerous than making blanket statements IMO). It's just not worth the risk. All costs are too high to risk, monetary, finite donor supply, and the risk of looking unnatural.


So in short....though I agree with you that we should focus on the good doctors (which is what this site does), when someone is asking about these clinics (and it happens often), the truth should be shared. Of course, it is ALWAYS up to the seeker to double check any information being posted on this site.





I would highly appreciate if you could create one poll which shows the ratings for all the major HT clinics (such as Bosley, MHR etc). It would surely help people to select the right doctor to certain extent.





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  • Senior Member


why dont you post here more often? your reply to one of my posts was VERY helpful. good to see you on here.


while what you are saying rings true in a logical / validity sense, I think your missing the bigger picture here. If you ended up with a good doc from one of these "franchises" then thats great. The question is: did you actually know which doc was good before you chose him?


Your precisely correct in choosing the analogy of hamburger joints as franchises to demonstrate that its a marketing ploy. But what your not understanding is that they all advertise under the same umbrella. So, you ENDED UP with a good doc, but MOST other people will not. No one is claiming that ALL docs under these umbrellas are horrible, but that we dont know which ones are going to be good as they use the same general marketing ploys to cover everyone who has purchased a franchise, or however it really works.

Im happy you found a good doc. But I think you got lucky. How can we..."focus on the good docs"...from these franchises? As you pointed out, they intentionally align themselves with the big-boys as a marketing technique to get their name out there. They dont advertise by doctor names and patient satisfaction results. NO! They fucking advertise as: "Bosley, the pioneer in hair replacement"...

Were not buying bigmacs here. Were essentially (as funny as this sounds) getting plastic surgery. Surgery that will be permanently sutured to our heads and viewed by everyone for the rest of our lives.

So, I would rather have a couple "satisfied" Wendys patients get pissed, then have my head (or anyone elses') look like a rats ass.

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  • Regular Member

Well it's been a while since this thread was really active, how's Ringo's hair looking now?


On the subject of MHR, I had my first (and only to date) surgery there a few years ago. Here are some things that concerned me.

1) I'm a pretty big guy, my surgeon who I don't remember his name for the life of me sorry, instead of 1 valium gave me two. Not so bad, but definitely knocked me loopy.

2) I thought he was performing the surgery, since i selected him and paid for him to do it, but in my groggy state he informed me some doctor from Guatamala or something would be working with him, to learn the latest techniques? WTF? I didn't pay to be a guinea pig.

3) At one point I was taken out of the surgery room and put in another room where a tech was putting in the implants, unsupervised. I asked her how long she'd been there, it was her FIRST or Second day. Can't remember which. That definitely freaked me out. But this ws 5 yrs or so ago and I didn't know about this board, etc.

4) I'm not real happy with the scar, as I can actually feel it.


Is it possible when I go in for a second surgery at a coalition doctor, that in the strip they take out, they can take the old scar as well?

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