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I would like to know few information about Post op Instructions

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I got HT done 10 days ago under Dr Joseph Greco, PhD, PA/C. hope , he is a good doctor. I visited few places and found him realistic as he was not talking garbage. he told me to be realistic about it, he was like you are not going to have hair like 18 yrs old. Also, he was not willing to implant so many grafts in one session. I really hope i chose a good specialist. Anyone has any ideas about him?


My HT went pretty smooth. I got HT on my crown (where i was missing a lot) and little on the front. I have been following all the instruction he gave me for the first week.


Exactly after one week, my suture was removed. There was no infection or anything.Doctor told me i might see blood on my pillow or in the grafted area, but i naver had to experience that.


I have following queries, please advise.


1. I am still shampooing twice a day, patting the shampoo on my grafted area, let it sit for 10 mins, and then gently rinse it with a cup(no rubbing). For how long i should be shampooing like this? when can i start shampoo normally?


2. after shampooing, i see some white stuff on my grafted area (hope those are not seeds which were grafted) . These white stuff remains on my hair. should I rinse little harder to remove these white stuff? when can shampoo normally?


3. grafts which were implanted-- how long it takes to plant these seeds(grafts) on my skull permanently. i shampoo very carefully even after 10 days so those seed doesn't come out (I call them seeds icon_smile.gif ).


4. last 10 days i haven't slept on my the bed, have been sleeping in the sofa sitting, so my implanted area doesn't touch the pillow. when can I sleep on the pillow? I am afraid if i sleep touching my grafted area to the pillow, those seeds might come out. please advise.


5. i haven't had sex for last 11 days. when should i start having sex? doctor didn't say anything about sex though.


6. i don't see any folliculitis developed on my grafted/donor area. what time period these follicilitis comes thru normally?


7. I see black bump on my crown area? when these bump will be gone?


8. i have itchy feeling sometimeson my crown but not a whole lot (just a little), should i put anything to prevent itching? I can actually bear this itchying . does this itching have any bad impact?


9. i have burning sentation(if i take my palm near my crown, it feels warm) on my crown. I think it is happening from sinus. i do have sinus issue, and before doing HT I also experienced this warm feeling on my crown? hope, it doesn't have any bad impact to HT?


10. doctor told me not to look down, always look up? for how long I have to do that.


11. i feel little pain on my donor area, if i touch it, when this pain will be gone completely? i don't even have to take any pain killer anu more.


12.when these implanted hair will start to fall?


I wish i had visted this site before doing HT. i found this website on the sane day when i got my HT done icon_smile.gif.


Please advise, Your time and effort will be really appreciated. Thanks so much in advance


By the way, I am 34 yrs old.

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I got HT done 10 days ago under Dr Joseph Greco, PhD, PA/C. hope , he is a good doctor. I visited few places and found him realistic as he was not talking garbage. he told me to be realistic about it, he was like you are not going to have hair like 18 yrs old. Also, he was not willing to implant so many grafts in one session. I really hope i chose a good specialist. Anyone has any ideas about him?


My HT went pretty smooth. I got HT on my crown (where i was missing a lot) and little on the front. I have been following all the instruction he gave me for the first week.


Exactly after one week, my suture was removed. There was no infection or anything.Doctor told me i might see blood on my pillow or in the grafted area, but i naver had to experience that.


I have following queries, please advise.


1. I am still shampooing twice a day, patting the shampoo on my grafted area, let it sit for 10 mins, and then gently rinse it with a cup(no rubbing). For how long i should be shampooing like this? when can i start shampoo normally?


2. after shampooing, i see some white stuff on my grafted area (hope those are not seeds which were grafted) . These white stuff remains on my hair. should I rinse little harder to remove these white stuff? when can shampoo normally?


3. grafts which were implanted-- how long it takes to plant these seeds(grafts) on my skull permanently. i shampoo very carefully even after 10 days so those seed doesn't come out (I call them seeds icon_smile.gif ).


4. last 10 days i haven't slept on my the bed, have been sleeping in the sofa sitting, so my implanted area doesn't touch the pillow. when can I sleep on the pillow? I am afraid if i sleep touching my grafted area to the pillow, those seeds might come out. please advise.


5. i haven't had sex for last 11 days. when should i start having sex? doctor didn't say anything about sex though.


6. i don't see any folliculitis developed on my grafted/donor area. what time period these follicilitis comes thru normally?


7. I see black bump on my crown area? when these bump will be gone?


8. i have itchy feeling sometimeson my crown but not a whole lot (just a little), should i put anything to prevent itching? I can actually bear this itchying . does this itching have any bad impact?


9. i have burning sentation(if i take my palm near my crown, it feels warm) on my crown. I think it is happening from sinus. i do have sinus issue, and before doing HT I also experienced this warm feeling on my crown? hope, it doesn't have any bad impact to HT?


10. doctor told me not to look down, always look up? for how long I have to do that.


11. i feel little pain on my donor area, if i touch it, when this pain will be gone completely? i don't even have to take any pain killer anu more.


12.when these implanted hair will start to fall?


I wish i had visted this site before doing HT. i found this website on the sane day when i got my HT done icon_smile.gif.


Please advise, Your time and effort will be really appreciated. Thanks so much in advance


By the way, I am 34 yrs old.

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  • Senior Member

Damn son, that is a lot of questions. If I were you, I email your doc and ask him to answer them. After all, you paid a lot of money so they owe you service after the operation.


I've never heard of that dr., but I'm assuming you left off the initials M.D.? Because, frankly a Ph.D isn't worth much unless he's also giving you lectures. But anyway, I'm no expert but here are my opinions:


1. You can shampoo normally, but just don't scrub as hard as you otherwise would for another 5 days or so. Just rub the shampoo in and around and the stuff that's suppose to come off will.


2. The grafts are implanted firmly by the 10th day, so it's very unlikely you could do anything to get them unplanted.


3. Those "whiskers" you see on your head aren't part of the final result. Don't worry if they come out or not. They probably will shed.


4. Sleep in your bed! I have every night. I've had no swelling or anything else, either.


5. Have sex. Just don't do anything kinky. J/k; do what you want if you feel up to it. I did at about day 7 (which unfortunately is not too difficult of a layoff at 42... icon_redface.gif)


6. I don't know what the hell folliculitis is. Are you talking about the sex here? icon_wink.gif


7. I did see a couple of pimples, but I don't know about the bumps. Sounds like you're looking to closely or too much.


8. It's common to have itching. I used pure Aloe Vera jel on all my head.


9. ??


10. I'm not sure why he'd tell you that. Maybe for the scar? Is he a M.D.?


11. When you get your sutures out, the donor area will start feeling much better.


12. 1 month.


I hope this little bit I know helps. Do you have any pics to post? You'll get some good feedback if you do.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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thanks Dewayne.


I was googling about mu doctor and see following news about his research,


check this out




Folliculitis - from doctors note - on rare occasion may develop at the graft side. These looks similar to acne with pimple -like lesions. if this happens, apply moist warm soaks and antibiotic ointment to the areas 3 times a day.

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Check this video too. i wish he is successful so i won't have to cut on my back on my next hair implant. Guys, I am not promoting anything here. just sharing information what i see on the website. may be i am trying console myself since i didn't do much research before doing HT



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Hi Please Grow Please - there was no specific reason choosing him, i just found him reliable. i live in Sarasota, Fl, and it was very convinient for me since he does HT in sarasota. Right now he is on vacation. that's why, i am bothering you all icon_smile.gif.

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