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FU Growth


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For all you FU HT veterans.


Have any of you ever experienced the growth of the new FU's to be curly or wirely. Especially if your donor hair is straight?????


Appreciate a response.



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For all you FU HT veterans.


Have any of you ever experienced the growth of the new FU's to be curly or wirely. Especially if your donor hair is straight?????


Appreciate a response.



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  • Senior Member

I had a similar experience, but I'm sure we have completely different situations. Because if you had an FU transplant, you had "good work" unlike me. Change in texture may be a temporary thing. Hopefully some other people will weigh in.


I know that with the older grafts like I have, there was a problem with coarse and curly hair. I had this problem, and after a while (several years) it went away. (My hair was like a corkscrew). I read that when grafts were not seated correctly, they could get distorted, and affect the way the hair grew. If you had a true FU job, it is probably not what is happening with you. My doctor (Carlos Puig) is a total hack, and he doesn't use FUs either. If your doc uses FUs, that is a sure sign that he has more skill than Dr. Puig.


Consult with your doctor and let them know your concern. Hopefully it is a temporary situation.

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I had plugs put in 10+ years ago. The old kind. I had some wirely growth...but like you most of them after time grew normal. There are still some that are wirely.


Since I'm going into my first FU session next week, I just wanted to know if FU's can grow wirely as well, or with the FU technology this issue disappears. I hope the latter is true.

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the hair from the back of the head is very healthy

and the hair shaft is thicker than what you have

in the front,because you don't look at the back

as closely and as often as the front,you now

think that the hair is wirery,when in fact it is

healthy and thick,this is a different texture

from what you are used to and is a good thing.the

hair you are hanging onto in front is slowly

miniaturizing and dying,it looks thin and flimsy,

so this thicker hair placed in front seems weird.

i'm going thru it now,give it 6-9 monthes and

you'll probably love it. good luck icon_rolleyes.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have about the straightest hair a guy could have. When I got my transplant (FU's), the transplanted hair seemed extremely wirey. In about 4 months, it fell out (no surprise there), but when it grew back in about 4 months, it perfectly matched the rest of my hair. No more wirey-ness! Some transplanted hairs are slightly darker, but not enough to stand out. I'm telling you, I dont think a hair dresser could tell I had transplants. The transplanted temples just look less dense than the rest of my hair.


Hope this helps.



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