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Lagging Side

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  • Regular Member

I am current about 5 1/2 months post procedure. There were about 1300 fu placed in my hairline and I was about a nw 3-4. I know it is extremely early, but my left side is lagging way behing the center or my right side. Is it still possible/likely to have more growth and more hairs come in on one side (or throughout) that have not been seen yet ? Is it realistic for it to sort of "fill in" and thicken ? I am going to try to attach a picture later. Is a lagging side a common occurence ? I was told that the density through was going to be about 55-60 /cm2. The hairline (esp left side) is fairly see-through and shadowing/outliney. Thanks,



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  • Regular Member

I am current about 5 1/2 months post procedure. There were about 1300 fu placed in my hairline and I was about a nw 3-4. I know it is extremely early, but my left side is lagging way behing the center or my right side. Is it still possible/likely to have more growth and more hairs come in on one side (or throughout) that have not been seen yet ? Is it realistic for it to sort of "fill in" and thicken ? I am going to try to attach a picture later. Is a lagging side a common occurence ? I was told that the density through was going to be about 55-60 /cm2. The hairline (esp left side) is fairly see-through and shadowing/outliney. Thanks,



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  • Senior Member



It is quite common to have one side lag behind the other; left side lagging semms to be the most common amongst other posters and myself included; it is hard to evaluate by your pic; can you post pics of better quality?; at 5.5 months post-op you will have some new sprouters plus thickening/maturing of the new hairs; you have to remember that you are probably only 40-50% of your final result right now; you have a long ways before you reach the final results; I would wait another 6 months before evaluating; also 1300 grafts is not a lot; I had 1300 grafts for HT 1 just along the hairline; I thought that was going to be plenty but I was not happy with the density and went back for 1000 grafts to add density; you always have that option, but like I said wait 6 more months before evaluation.

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