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I am 25 years old and have been losing my hair since I was 21. This is my first post, and am currently using Finpecia, with little results of regrowth and it seems to me like I am still losing hair. (but still stay on the meds :/ )


I also use Toppik as a concealer but considering Dermmatch.


Anyway, I think I am a 4A on Norwood Scale and wondering what are some of the best docs out there. I live in Arizona keep in mind, anything around that area would probably be best.


It seems to me that one HT will not be enough, why is that and what can I do for the first HT to prevent another painful surgery?

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You have a lot of research to do. Anything you want to search use the "find" feature on the forum. Don't rush into anything and please don't let travel limit your choices, if you find a doc that you like travel by all means they usually comp that cost in the procedure. I am 26 now but i got an HT a few months ago, but I probably would say I studied HT's for a good two years to become knowledgeable and comfortable with my decision. I urge you to do the same, make sure you have realistic expectations and you don't rush into anything. You should be so lucky to have found this site, its very valuable.

You only live once...

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Stay on the meds, I have tried toppik but never dermatch. Lots of guys swear by it. Like rogaine I just do not like fooling with it.


Based on your age, you may not be able to avoid two HTs or more. Hairloss is progressive, this is why the meds are important, make sure you save what you can. The pain of a HT to me is not the physical pain, that is minor if you have a good doc. To me, rthe real pain is the recovery time and the patience required to wait for it to grow in.


I suppose in your area, you have Scott Alexander and Sharon Keene as the best choices.





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Thanks Arrie, I have been reading this Forum for a week or so now and getting so much information its amazing. The cost is what scares me especially if I am going to need 2 HT or even 3 down the road. I wonder if a better method or the price will get reduced in the next years to come??



Nobuzz, thanks for the advice and the doctors to consider... should i do a google search on those docs to get a consultation of some sort?


What about taking rogaine only once a day? Would that be effective or just a waste. I tried rogaine one time before, but the method just was such a pain.

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Our members have given you some excellent advice.


Younger hair loss sufferers are typically not good hair transplant candidates, especially those who have only just started losing their hair.


How long ago did you start finpecia? I'm glad to hear that you are experiencing some regrowth with it.


You may also consider using Rogaine as an adjunct treatment. From what I have heard and seen, using Rogaine once a day is almost as or just as effective as using it twice a day however, Rogaine's recommended usage is twice a day.


There is no harm however, in consulting with a few first-rate hair transplant surgeons as they can help you map out a long term hair restoration plan.


I recommend consulting with Dr. Alexander and Dr. Keene who have a proven track record of producing high quality hair transplant results. They will also help you map out a long term hair restoration plan that is in your best interest.


I hope this helps get you started.



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At your age, I can certainly understand that cost may be a deterrent. Most guy your age - even very successful guys - are just starting out, developing their skills, and building their careers.


Compared to the 90's work, today's HTs are quite cost effective and the results are a lot better. Still, if you are very concerned about cost and the potential for needing more surgery, you should take your time researching. I say this because, at your age, it is hard to get a "one-and-done" result. Don't get me wrong ??“ I am sure you will be able to have a stand-alone result, but you are going to have more hair loss over the years.


Again, take your time with your hair loss/hair restoration research. Time is on your side in terms of making a good choice and letting your income build up.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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