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After 2 Transplants -need opinions...


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I'm frustrated.... Here's my situation. Started out as a Norwood 6. Had my first HT 12 months ago ??“2700 grafts. (in front and in crown) Had my second HT 6 months ago ??“2500 grafts. (all densely packed in front half of scalp.) Both procedures were the "strip" method. The Doctor I used is one of the "recommended" Doctors on this site. My actual hair is very thin... so I've always known that I'd need multiple procedures to achieve density. My HT Doctor had me wait 6 months after the first procedure before performing the second. So here I am, six months after the second procedure and he tells me that I have to wait another 6 months until he'll perform a third. (Something about the elasticity of the donor area ??“but he made this determination via email... without "seeing" me) What I can't seem to figure out is whether or not I should be happy with my results so far. Even with my naturally thin hair I sorta' feel like my results should be much better than they are. What do you guys think? I should also tell you that I use the following: Minox/Xandrox, Propecia (1 mg a day), Dut. (.5 mg 3 times a week.) Using this concoction helped me grow back A LOT of hair... even before my HTs... which is why I'm wondering whether out not I should be happy with the results of the 2 procedures. Maybe the drugs/Minox has stopped working for me and I've lost all of the hair that it helped to grow ??“leaving me with only the transplanted hair left? I'll upload a pic that was taken the other day ??“6 months after my 2nd HT.Please give me your opinions. Also, should I try to find a Doctor who's willing to perform a third procedure on me sooner than my original HT Doctor.




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I'm frustrated.... Here's my situation. Started out as a Norwood 6. Had my first HT 12 months ago ??“2700 grafts. (in front and in crown) Had my second HT 6 months ago ??“2500 grafts. (all densely packed in front half of scalp.) Both procedures were the "strip" method. The Doctor I used is one of the "recommended" Doctors on this site. My actual hair is very thin... so I've always known that I'd need multiple procedures to achieve density. My HT Doctor had me wait 6 months after the first procedure before performing the second. So here I am, six months after the second procedure and he tells me that I have to wait another 6 months until he'll perform a third. (Something about the elasticity of the donor area ??“but he made this determination via email... without "seeing" me) What I can't seem to figure out is whether or not I should be happy with my results so far. Even with my naturally thin hair I sorta' feel like my results should be much better than they are. What do you guys think? I should also tell you that I use the following: Minox/Xandrox, Propecia (1 mg a day), Dut. (.5 mg 3 times a week.) Using this concoction helped me grow back A LOT of hair... even before my HTs... which is why I'm wondering whether out not I should be happy with the results of the 2 procedures. Maybe the drugs/Minox has stopped working for me and I've lost all of the hair that it helped to grow ??“leaving me with only the transplanted hair left? I'll upload a pic that was taken the other day ??“6 months after my 2nd HT.Please give me your opinions. Also, should I try to find a Doctor who's willing to perform a third procedure on me sooner than my original HT Doctor.



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  • Senior Member

Okay now I see your second pic. It looks thin to me for 5000 grafts. did you take the picture with a flash?


That can exagerate some characteristics. Of course at 6 mo you can expect more density, but 5000....thats a lot.


Who's the doc, and when you say recommended, do you mean a coalition doc?


mark h

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And finally, this is me before my first transplant. You can see how much hair I grew due to the minox/drugs...

One last thing... since I gave his name out.. I'd like to say that Dr. Lear was great. He has a good bed-side manner and even offered to "re-do" an area on my head for free that did not grow in that well after the first HT.


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Thanks... I uploaded the correct pic

Originally posted by Mark H:

Hi guy, the picture you uploaded is a before picture, and since there's no after picture there isn't much room for discussion as to your current results.


Who is your doctor?


My doctor would probably tell you 12 months before a second procedure, let alone a third.

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  • Senior Member

At six months you would have just gotten over shock loss and started some real growth,(unless you are one of the lucky three month mutants that post pictures sometimes on this and other sites). In my case, I am at 9 months and the growth is now starting to thicken and feel like real hair. I would not get another procedure until you see the final results of the first two. Although additional growth and thickness can occur, I belive at 12 months most folks have a good sense of where they are at and how much more work will be neccesary. You have only seen the downside. Give it some time and you should see some great results if the doctor is any good. By the way, I have never heard of going back that early.

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  • Regular Member

I think you need to wait a while before making any judgments. First of all, doing a second procedure only six months after a first doesn't give you time to truly judge what you got from the first, and could have led to some shock loss of the hair that you got from the first procedure.


Remember that this, after all, SURGERY! Give your scalp and your follicles some time to get over the shock of two procedures in a year. Most people don't really see what their final results are going to be until closer to a year out, anyway. My advice would be to wait another six months and, if you are still not happy, take your concerns to Dr. Lehr. He is an ethical, stand-up doc and would make things right with you.

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  • Regular Member

Wow this all sounds very familiar, I too went to Dr. Lehr in Feb of this year. I am 8 1/2 months post op and in my opinion look MUCH worse. Poor growth and lots of shock loss.


Yes, I think you are early but in my opinion should see much better results for that kind of graft count.

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Believe it or not I got a great haircut today.... it does make a lot of difference..

Originally posted by ethebuilder:

Hey Modman,

I have a suggestion. Try going to a "SALON" for a haircut. This right haircut it can make a big difference. It seems the sides are a bit "BUSHY" making the top look sparse.

Just my thoughts.....

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