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Im new... sayin hello, couple comments.

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Whats up everyone.


Im Eric, looking for a miracle...of sorts.

been reading for a month or so, finally wanted some personal feedback.



SO, I'm turning 26, and have pretty moderate loss at the hairline, still very thick at the crown and sides and back...


not currently on anything, planning on starting on Rogaine, and hopefully Propecia if my body can take it.


Anyway, questions are as follows, in my reading on this site, I've noticed I am a little young for a HT, but I'd still like to get a consult.


-Can anyone give me any input on docs in the Philadelphia area?

-I tried my roomates Propecia for a few days earlier this year, and had some pain in my balls after a day or two, and Im curious as to what the chances are that the pain was related... it was enough for me to stop taking it, yet, it was only 3 days straight.


Also, just wanted to thank you guys for calming me down over the last month when I'm havin a "bad hair day" happy to have found this site.




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Welcome to our community forum.


I think you will find that our community forum members are great both at offering help with finding real hair restoration solutions and offering emotional support for the struggle that we all face with hair loss.


I too am from the Philadelphia area. At this time, we do not recommend any hair transplant surgeons in PA. Dr. Katz of the Philadelphia area (my first hair transplant surgeon) however, was removed from being recommended as we could not obtain sufficient evidence of the quality of his recent results.


There are a number of quality hair transplant surgeons north and south however, such as:


In New York:


Dr. True

Dr. Dorin

Dr. Epstein

Dr. Feller

Dr. Bernstein

Dr. Rose


In Maryland:


Dr. Vogel


These physicians are all elite members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians for producing consistent quality results. See our high level of membership standards by clicking here. See also Pat's (our community Publisher) visitation and review of these clinics by visiting the Visits to Leading Hair Transplant Clinics forum.


Selecting from among the best of surgeons personal and one must consult with and do dillgent research on all physicians you are considering.


I hope this helps get you started.



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  • Senior Member

p4p it is the best hair loss remedy out there, a HT aside (though stablizing your loss vis a vis propecia is, often times, a part of the overall HT process); works particularly best in your crown/vertex...combine it w/ rogaine foam 5% to give yourself your best shot at regrowth in your frontal 1/3rd. The side effects can be extremely "annoying", but nothing "serious" -- typically some sexual stuff, gynocomastia, and I have heard some talk about the "propecia fog" (something akin to depressive feelings). I may hve heard of one other person mention "ball pain", but that is it, and I don't think there is a strong causality between that and the propecia.


By all strong accounts, anecdotal and study-based, side effects are: extremely rare (think low single digits of %), they often dissipate with continued usage, AND they dissipate if you discontinue usage.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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