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Financing your HT

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From the early stages of my research i have done at the moment regarding funding my HT. I am aware there are a couple of lenders that finance your HT in canada and US. Just a quick question would companies like patient link and travelers cater for UK residents too or alternatively are there companies in the UK that will offer similar service for a patient to have treatment in Canada or US?


Any UK patients that have had HT in the past in Canada (H&W), did you finance the sugery? and if you did what company did you use?


Any information from anyone would be appreciated.



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From the early stages of my research i have done at the moment regarding funding my HT. I am aware there are a couple of lenders that finance your HT in canada and US. Just a quick question would companies like patient link and travelers cater for UK residents too or alternatively are there companies in the UK that will offer similar service for a patient to have treatment in Canada or US?


Any UK patients that have had HT in the past in Canada (H&W), did you finance the sugery? and if you did what company did you use?


Any information from anyone would be appreciated.



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  • Senior Member

Hi Mak_UK


Unless a finance house has an operation in the UK it is highly unlikely that they would offer loans to people in different countries - it would be far too expensive to enforce the loan in case of default.


Any loan for cosmetic surgery is simply an unsecured loan, I would suggest that you try UK banks/institutions for a personal loan.


If you have a good credit rating then a 0% credit card could be an option (even if the 0% is only one year, if you repaid within 2 years then average rate would be reasonable). With the 0% credit cards the best option is one that give 0% on purchases as they tend not to charge a 3% transfer fee).




3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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Thanks Spex and Tubs for your replies.


Once I know the exact amount how much my surgery will cost including the travel, then i will most likely go down the route of personal loan.


Would anyone know the amount that you are quoted through an online consultation is the amount you pay? or does it change in direct meeting? and if does change is it a considerable change?

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For strip surgery - an on-line quote is based on an estimated number of grafts. The actual number of grafts is not actually known until the the procedure itself, therefore the price may vary accordingly.


Most people would like "as many as possible" on the day, however if you only required / wanted a specific number then I would assume the Doctor can come very close to that number.


I would suggest you check with individual clinics when you have a consultation.




3,500 grafts - Dr Feller - 08/08/08

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I am one that believes don't spend what you can not afford-- but A suggestion for leverage. With the interest rates at an all-time low, get a credit card with a 0% 12-18 rate, and figure out how much you have to pay each month to pay off balance of HT. DO NOT USE FOR ANYOTHER REASON THAN YOUR HT. --this is what gets 90% of people in financial trouble.

Another option, is if you own a house, take out a low interest home equity line of credit which might be tax deductable in your state.

If in Europe, I would look at a way to leverage the almost double currency advantage over the US dollar (its like bargain basement sales in the US for Europeans right now!)



Dr. Shapiro

Propecia/Rogaine xtra

MSM/Saw Palmetto

Nioxin Shampoo line

Zrii 3oz daily

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