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Live Chat Summary of 11/27/2007

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Hello everyone,


We will now be hosting live help / live chat sessions every OTHER Tuesday evening at 10:00pm EST to see how it goes. I am also considering changing the time and the day to give others a chance to participate. I will keep everyone posted.


The Hair Transplant Network is the only community that hosts a regularly scheduled Live Help/Chat session for discussion forum members.


Hair loss sufferers and hair restoration physicians alike have been drawn from all over the world to participate.


I strongly encourage any guest or member reading this to join the party every other Tuesday night at 10:00pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5:00).


There is no better opportunity on the web to receive instant answers to your hair restoration questions by experienced veterans and medical professionals!


More information about how to use live chat and/or register in our community can be found on this sticky thread.


Live Chat Summary of 11/27/2007


Thank you to all the members of our community (physicians and seeking patients) who participated in our live chat. It was quite lively and full of vivacious discussion.


A special thanks goes out to Dr. Mejia and Dr. Charles for contributing your expert medical advice on so many topics!


I was surprised and happy about the number of new hair restoration forum members that participated in our live chat!


The following members attended our live chat


1. Bill - Associate Publisher/Co-Moderator

2. condoguy

3. ferrariman

4. ponagati

5. JoTronic of Hasson and Wong

6. electricman

7. kevin

8. super8mm

9. gbriel

10. Ringo

11. terb3

12. Dr. Mejia

13. Dr. Charles

14. wanthairs

15. giants

16. the B Spot of Shapiro Medical


If you attended the live chat session and your name is not included on the list - please respond on this thread and I will add you.


Some of the following topics were discussed and questions answered include:


1. Does Body Hair Transplantation (BHT) work? Is it consistent?


2. What are the best ways to repair an old school hair transplant?


3. Is there any benefit in using Rogaine after a hair transplant? Will it speed up the new growth of transplanted hairs?


4. What is the difference between a "minigraft" and a "follicular unit graft"


5. What is hair regeneration and is it effective?


6. When is it appropriate to subdivide follicular units?



Your Suggestions/Ideas Wanted


Because it is the members of this community that makes this live help/chat feature work, we are always looking for realistic and practical suggestions to make our chat feature even more enjoyable and beneficial for our attendees.


I encourage you to provide any suggestions that you think might be helpful on this thread.


Be sure to tune in Tuesday 12/11/2007 at 10:00pm EST for our next live chat session!


Best wishes,



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