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anyone here try Finpecia


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Does anyone here on Finpecia which is just a generic version of Propecia? It is only $1 a pill. It is available at hair2go.com. I am not sure whether it is legit or not. I am on Propecia right now. I pay $2 per pill. Any suggestions?



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  • Regular Member

I did some more research on this one. Finpecia is manufactured by Cipla, an Indian company. Their patent laws allow for the manufacturing of patent drugs as long as the process is different, if I interpreted the info. correctly. I found prices as low as 100 1mg. tabs for US 45.00. This, of course, raises a lot of questions. Do you really know what you are getting when purchasing meds from another country and over the web? How do their standards for manufacturing drugs compare to the U.S.? I hope we get some more feedback. Terry.

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  • Senior Member

It isn't the manufacturer of the generic medication that concerns me as much as the rogue distributor websites that carry it.


Here is a thread that has a few options for savings on legitimate finasteride. It is definitely worth looking into.





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  • Regular Member

Yeah, I think I'd shy away from it. There are all sorts of things like this you can get over the web... some of them are a real savings, but my hair is one thing I just wouldn't mess around with, even if it costs twice as much.

Regimen: 1 propecia taken in the morning, 3 shots 5% minoxodil twice a day around the hairline, 1% Nizoral several times a week

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i tried finpecia for about 6 weeks. i got those pesky side effects, but honestly, when i stopped, i noticed no hair falling out. sure enough it continued when i stopped. about 3 years ago i had a pretty full head of hair, and no i have heavy difused thinning. im thinkin of trying it agian, only splitting it up into every other day, or every 3rd day

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