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Psoriasis n Rogaine/Ht

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I am not sure if I have seborrheic dermatitis or scalp psoriasis. I have lots of skin build up in patches from crown to the front of my scalp and I have a very flaky scalp all over. And I have to scrape it out once in a month using comb. And few hair follicles come out along with it as they are attached to it. One of the dermatologists asked me to stop use of Rogaine and gave me some psoriasis shampoo and ointment. So if any of the guys had such experiences, can you please share how you solved it and also please advise on whether I should continue rogaine or just leave it. I am afraid I will lose the hairs that got used to rogaine. I am already quite bald and dont want to loose anymore. I am also on propecia.


And I am also planning for HT in next 6 months but is it advisable to go for HT with these scalp conditions.

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  • Regular Member

I am not sure if I have seborrheic dermatitis or scalp psoriasis. I have lots of skin build up in patches from crown to the front of my scalp and I have a very flaky scalp all over. And I have to scrape it out once in a month using comb. And few hair follicles come out along with it as they are attached to it. One of the dermatologists asked me to stop use of Rogaine and gave me some psoriasis shampoo and ointment. So if any of the guys had such experiences, can you please share how you solved it and also please advise on whether I should continue rogaine or just leave it. I am afraid I will lose the hairs that got used to rogaine. I am already quite bald and dont want to loose anymore. I am also on propecia.


And I am also planning for HT in next 6 months but is it advisable to go for HT with these scalp conditions.

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Did your dermatologist conclude that your hair loss is from the dermatitus/psoriasis or from typical male pattern baldness.


Personally, I think your first line of business is to clear up your scalp condition. That being said, I'd follow the advice of your dermatologist and do whatever it takes to promote a healthy scalp.


if you are indeed suffering from male pattern baldness, considering Propecia (finasteride) which is great at combatting future loss and may even regrow hair. In m opinion, give the Rogaine a break until you can get your scalp condition under control.



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