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My first HT - Questions about grafts, cm2, and hair count.


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Hello all,


This is my first post. I recently received an HT. Unfortunately, I began reading this website after the HT and probably did not go into the HT as informed as I should have been. At this point I will withhold the Doctors names and any pictures but may post them in the future. I will just say that one of the doctors claimed to have 22 years experience and the other 12 years. I was just hoping I could have some questions answered.


A little about my procedure:


1. I am 26 and about a Norwood 4 and still losing hair. I suspect I will be a Norwood 5 in the next 3-5 years and a Norwood 7 before the next decade.


1. I had an MFU (Multi-Follicular Unit) HT done. Not the celebrated ultra refined FU I am reading about in this website icon_frown.gif


3. The MFUs were more densely packed in the front and more spread out until it reaches my crown area.


2. The doctor said I received 820 MFUs from two parallel 26cm x 0.5cm incisions.


3 He estimated I received about 4000 hairs from this.


4. The procedure cost $5800


5. I am about 12 days post surgery and the incision looks pretty clean. My scabs have fallen off and I can see hundreds of little tiny hairs in between my native hairs covering almost all of the balding area, although they are about 1/4cm to 1/2cm apart from each other. I know these will fall off soon but it gives me an idea of where the hairs will grow out from I suppose.


My question is. Other than the fact I did not have the best HT method (ultra refined FU) done. Does anything else seem unusual with my HT based on the info provided? Such as my Norwood #, my age, grafts, incision size, hair count and cost?


Sorry for not providing pictures at this time, hopefully you are able to give me some advice/comments based on the info I have supplied. Thank you!

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Hi Prospect-


Sorry to hear you came across the site after the HT but hopefully you can fill in around the work you have in the future. If you're hovering between NW4 & NW5 and only received 820 grafts (even MFU's) you will likely have very thin coverage in the area transplanted. As for cost it looks like you paid $7.07 per graft.........which is pretty high. Of the quality surgeons recommended here, the average is around $4.50 per graft for the first 2000 or so, then around $2.50 per graft after that........this can vary somewhat from place to place. If you have 1 graft for every 1/4 cm that would be the equivalent of 16 grafts per cm2 which will be very thin coverage......the MFU's will help but it is still likely to be thin.


I hope you don't take my post negatively, just trying to give you an honest assessment from what you've mentioned. The good thing is, assuming you have the donor hair you can fill in at a later time if you want more density and/or coverage when this comes in.


Are you taking Finasteride, using Minoxidil or doing anything for loss prevention? If not, I'd start ASAP to stave off further loss in the future and help you keep some of what you have left.


Hope this helps.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I think Hairbank explained it well above but who know how many actual FU's you got??? So it's hard to say how your price compares and nobody calculates the cost per hair (except for DHI of course icon_smile.gif) Sorry private joke, for now, if you keep reading on this forum, you'll get it.

I hope you take some kind of Finasteride and the only way we can really help you is for you to post pictures of before after.

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