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Everything posted by Prospect

  1. Hello all, This is my first post. I recently received an HT. Unfortunately, I began reading this website after the HT and probably did not go into the HT as informed as I should have been. At this point I will withhold the Doctors names and any pictures but may post them in the future. I will just say that one of the doctors claimed to have 22 years experience and the other 12 years. I was just hoping I could have some questions answered. A little about my procedure: 1. I am 26 and about a Norwood 4 and still losing hair. I suspect I will be a Norwood 5 in the next 3-5 years and a Norwood 7 before the next decade. 1. I had an MFU (Multi-Follicular Unit) HT done. Not the celebrated ultra refined FU I am reading about in this website 3. The MFUs were more densely packed in the front and more spread out until it reaches my crown area. 2. The doctor said I received 820 MFUs from two parallel 26cm x 0.5cm incisions. 3 He estimated I received about 4000 hairs from this. 4. The procedure cost $5800 5. I am about 12 days post surgery and the incision looks pretty clean. My scabs have fallen off and I can see hundreds of little tiny hairs in between my native hairs covering almost all of the balding area, although they are about 1/4cm to 1/2cm apart from each other. I know these will fall off soon but it gives me an idea of where the hairs will grow out from I suppose. My question is. Other than the fact I did not have the best HT method (ultra refined FU) done. Does anything else seem unusual with my HT based on the info provided? Such as my Norwood #, my age, grafts, incision size, hair count and cost? Sorry for not providing pictures at this time, hopefully you are able to give me some advice/comments based on the info I have supplied. Thank you!
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