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Hairloss Question


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hello everyone, here is my story

every male in my family is bald, every single one, so i know whats coming, im ok with it

but i want too know if the signs are coming in now


my hairline is still doing ok, my corners (dont know what its called) have thinned a bit, but nothing bad

ive noticed my hair has thinned a little bit, now i can finally style my hair using gel, as before i couldnt because it was to hard bcuz my hair is relaly wavey


the reason i dont know if these signs are coming yet is bcuz well its oct, and winter time is when people shed the most apparently

also, a long story which i wont explain, but i went through an explosion and every hair on my face, including eyebrows, eyelashes, sideburns, facial hair, was singed, not bad, but they all lost a few MM


so what do you all think? time to use some ro-gaine?

wait till summer see if it thickens?

or did the fire just cause this and itll be ok for a few years?

FYI, im 20 years old


thanks for any help

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hello everyone, here is my story

every male in my family is bald, every single one, so i know whats coming, im ok with it

but i want too know if the signs are coming in now


my hairline is still doing ok, my corners (dont know what its called) have thinned a bit, but nothing bad

ive noticed my hair has thinned a little bit, now i can finally style my hair using gel, as before i couldnt because it was to hard bcuz my hair is relaly wavey


the reason i dont know if these signs are coming yet is bcuz well its oct, and winter time is when people shed the most apparently

also, a long story which i wont explain, but i went through an explosion and every hair on my face, including eyebrows, eyelashes, sideburns, facial hair, was singed, not bad, but they all lost a few MM


so what do you all think? time to use some ro-gaine?

wait till summer see if it thickens?

or did the fire just cause this and itll be ok for a few years?

FYI, im 20 years old


thanks for any help

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  • Senior Member

The first thing you'll want to do is consider getting on finasteride (Propecia or Proscar). Do a search in this forums archives on this subject and you'll find tons of info.


You're still young, so get on the finasteride and wait to see if this stops or slows any hair loss that may be coming in the future.

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  • Senior Member

I agree, Propecia your best choice to stop your potential hairloss since you see it in your family history. Save your money right now with the Rogaine, it helps stimulate new growth but you are not really balding yet. Do your research, there are alot of intelligent people on this site. Also, you are lucky that you are young enough and hopefully in a few years a cure will be there via Hair cloning or multiplication.





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  • Senior Member

Kamin and nobuzz are right.. your hair is like mine was , very wavy and thick.. when it started to thin it was actually a good thing cuz I was able to style it better.. UNFORTUNATELY it kept thinning.. That doesnt mean it will happen to you but keep in mind a person doesnt notice thinning until 50% of density is gone ( see the animated graft counter on this site)


Good luck



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