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Boots uk hair loss programme


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  • Senior Member

Has anyone been on this? what does it involve? I gather they are just supplying you with propecia, but the length of the 'programme' seems to suggest that its only twelve weeks long, when for proprecia to be successful you need to have continue usage. Anyway, anyone been on it/ is it any good?

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  • Senior Member

Doesn't mention anything about it on their website. They have quite a few hairloss products including 2 of the big 3 which are the only ones worth taking - Rogaine and Nizoral.


I doubt they could supply you with Propecia cause you need a prescription. Sounds like a money making scheme. If you're going to start meds then only take Propecia, Rogaine and Nizoral and use them for atleast a year.

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  • Senior Member

I think they prescribe proprecia or finasteride, without having to go and see an expensive trichologist/dermatologist. Thats all i want really and dont want to spend hundreds of pounds to see a specialist. But if they are only goin to give you rogaine then, yeh it is a con. but it says that they now give what only doctors used to be able to prescribe, so i thought this means proprecia or fin.

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  • Senior Member

sounds really good; but where does he get the proscar from? because dont doctors normally write a prescription for you to take to a pharmacy, not write the prescription and distribute the drug?

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  • Senior Member

thnx for the advice spex, will think about it and may just give him a call. its a shame more gps arnt clued up on this issue, went to one when i was 19 and basically said deal with it, wish had some of this advice then and knew there were other options!

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  • Senior Member

I was told the same at 15 by my gp, he actually thought it rather funny.


Your gp will write you a prescription for Propecia, ??30 a month is a rip off though, I would follow Spex's advice and order Proscar from his doctor, cut it into 4's.

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